just get an extension and adblocker filters to automatically dismiss/block cookie dialogs and use an allowlist for sites from which you actually need to persist cookies in your browser's settings and set your browser to delete everything else on exit. With Firefox and browsers based on it you can, in addition to that, use container tabs (try sticky containers extension) for even better context isolation.
Pinephone doesn't have features like IOMMU isolation or even verified boot. Also as a matter of fact, permission control, unless you're using flatpak/bwrap/firejail is actually better on Android than Linux. Plus long before the first usable part of Linux written in Rust was released, large parts of low level AOSP code were already rewritten in it.
oh sorry then, thought it works like some radar, don't know what the proper name is for what I'm thinking about then. I'm not a mobile dev so I could be wrong.
to find restaurants close to a courier
oh the bubble's gonna burst sooner than some may think
Not that complex software-wise either, probably the sole biggest challenge would be proper geofencing, then routing can be handled externally
also kudos to GrapheneOS social media people patiently explaining why both purism and pine64 are pretty mid at best when it comes to hardware security
impure functions and their consequences
If you don't want to pay banks, ask the devs for a crypto address perhaps