
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 3 points 14 hours ago

It's not that anything happened, he was always cringe and they are just roasting him for his cringyness.

[–] 3 points 14 hours ago

Or LineageOS, apparently...

[–] 5 points 16 hours ago

The guy was always something as a meme, people didn't take him seriously and after awhile he stopped taking himself seriously too (thankfully).

[–] 0 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

Probably one of the most popular rap songs of the "mumble rap" era. It also inspired that "Tucci Gang" sketch on SNL, if you've ever seen that one:

[–] 0 points 16 hours ago (7 children)
[–] 9 points 16 hours ago


Yeah the professor of Pump University isn't exactly Trump's strongest soldier

*anti-republican assassination attempts

Jill Stein on the Breakfast Club? Sounds like a must watch. I'm surprised she hasn't made more appearances like this.

A couple of them I didn't like, the big one being where David Muir debated Trump about the 2020 election cases and Trump actually ended up fact checking David on that, he had no rebuttal (although Trump doesn't seem to understand exactly what it means to "have standing").

But it's less about the fact checks and more about the fact that they chose to only fact check one person's lies. Kamala Harris lied through her teeth during the debate and nobody fact checked her. I personally would prefer to not have fact checks in these debates at all, as the debates are only supposed to be between two people. But if there are going to be fact checks, those should be applied to both candidates.

[–] -1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Obviously Kamala would not want to have the debate run by a company heavily biased towards her opponent.

So now you see why Trump didn't want to do the ABC debate

If you meant border security, then why did he help kill a bill that would have fixed many of the things he’s complaining about?

What most Republicans took issue with the bill was that it actually somewhat ties the president's hands and limits how long the border can be shut down:

The bill includes a new emergency authority that would allow the Department of Homeland Security to, as Biden has put it, “shut down” the border if there are too many migrants trying to cross.

DHS could close the border if Border Patrol encountered 4,000 or more migrants on average over seven days. The border would have to be shut down if those encounters reached a seven-day average of 5,000 or if they exceeded 8,500 in a single day.

The border couldn’t be shut down under this authority for more than 270 days in the first year. And the bill would give the president the power to suspend a border closure “on an emergency basis for up to 45 days if it is in the national interest.”

During an emergency closure, Border Patrol would still need to process a minimum of 1,400 migrants who try to enter the U.S. legally through ports of entry. Only unaccompanied minors would be able to cross between ports of entry. And any migrant who tried to cross illegally two or more times during a border emergency would be barred from the U.S. for a year.

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