
joined 8 months ago

Couple more optional questions

  • Did the decision bring any change to your life ?
  • Do you feel the decision stopped you from expressing something at some point ?
[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Deletor by created


This (arguably unhelpful) phrase seems to be taught across schools all over the world. What are some other phrases like this that are common ?


Also, if you can, how do you think others can appreciate it and may be some recommendations to get started with.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Honestly at first read, the paper feels like a bunch of whining text to prove a point the author believes in without any alternate proposal.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

Spot ... Spot ....... Spot .. Spot

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

For example in forza, the game plays engine sounds based on how much we press the button. Are there different sequences of clips ? If yes how do they blend so well ? Or are they synthesized dynamically ?

There are so many parts to it as well - when the gear shifts, when you suddenly slow down at high speed, when you suddenly accelerate from stop. They all seem very realistic.

Edit: Thanks for the great answers everyone 🙏

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Isn't web scraping copying ?

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

This answer is purely fictional:

Imagine all the rain drops forming a film of glass. Now this glass is curved like a cylinder since rain is basically water flowing from a pipe in the sky. So you are looking at the sun through a curved glass hence you see the curved bow. Now your eyes are spherical in shape, hence the light reflected off the cylinder will appear in colours. Go outside and look at any cylinder, you'll see rainbow colours.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago

Come on. Stop reading the comments. Go check the article.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago

No longer a minor, but still a kid for not understanding it !

[–] 43 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (6 children)

What's the point of this feature ? If it were not evil, what problem would it solve ? How often do you go to your PC and think "what was that thing I saw but never thought to create a bookmark or save the link/image".

Even if people use it, it would be for something they missed because they thought it was unimportant or didn't interest them, which is a very rare use case.

And still it is a highlight feature !

I wonder if it is lack of ideas or lack of commitment to create a good idea , given a technology, when these kinds of useless features are launched.


I find it amazing that if a child is brought up in a community/country different from the origin of the child, the child is still able to pick up and speak their language fluently. Our ability, as humans, to imitate and communicate is incredibly complex regardless of where we are from.

So my question is, is there a language that cannot be spoken like this? One which only people with a certain genetic advantage can speak fluently during upbringing.

Of course anyone can learn a language by putting effort into it. My question is only for one learnt during upbringing (native language).

(Not sure why my responses are downvoted. I'm a non-native English speaker. Sorry if I didn't communicate something properly. It's just a scientific curiosity.)

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