Sorry, the first sentence in your reply is wrong. I've literally spent the last two weekends going out and meeting people. If you don't go outside, that's on you.
Lemmy is free and libre, but I sorely miss my world news and Ukraine updates.
Post a screenshot on social media
Time Clickers, easily. Best advice I can give you is just don't start. Please.
I want to believe this is true and it certainly sounds reasonable. Do you have any links to the studies you're talking about?
Top Gear
Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I played the first one on 3DS then Switch. I'm not playing 3 until I start then finish 2 and the expansion.
Uru. I spent hours wandering the halls of D'ni waiting for something to happen.
I take timeless to mean that it is still just as good today as the day it was released and that the game's quality isn't related to the time period in which it was released or the hardware it was released on. Dates and hardware are included in case you want to go play them. (You should if you haven't)
- Soul Calibur (1999 , Dreamcast)
- Project Gotham Racing (2001, Xbox)
- Top Gear (1992, SNES)
- Tempest 2000 (1994, Jaguar)
- Rock N Roll Racing (1993, SNES)
- Transport Tycoon Deluxe (1994, PC)
- Tetris (1989, Gameboy or perhaps the NES version)
- Silent Hill 2 (2001-ish, PS2 or Xbox)
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002, Xbox or PC)
I'm sure there are more, but I'll stop here.
I love that your last paragraph explains that you want to avoid things going into a landfill by reinventing a landfill.