I cannot express how much respect I hold for instance owners, you're doing something great! Maybe one day I'll follow in your footsteps (when I step up from small game servers :P). Say, would those dead communities qualify for a post in c/abandonedarchitecture?
say, I hear you do something similar, Pug Jesus.
One. Of. US!!
Just wanted to pop in and say, I am so glad so many of you are taking this to heart! I am sitting here with a genuine smile on my face, which for reference NEVER happens. Thank you everyone!
And I'm so glad to see you here! I sure hope you're right, but the fact that I'm responding to you alone shows just how right you are!
glad to hear it Oofnik!
Lurk No More
Thank you :), and I'll just let you know, that this comment brought a smile to my face. I'm proud of you.
Just took a look and wow, I think you might be right, haha. Be proud, you are the fediverse's best soldier. 🏅
And who says they've never done anything good?
But yeah, let's ride that momentum all the way into the year of the fediverse!
If I had a Reddit account, I would absolutely try doing that. Unfortunately, I think I'm gonna have to hope someone does it for me.
I've only just managed to overcome my membership in the shy posters club haha! Hey, keep a seat warm for me while I'm away, okay?