
joined 10 months ago
[–] rtguk@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

One client but this will undoubtedly open the doors to others. Once they see one client using this, they'll seek to jump onboard as this industry is very much 'follow suit'.

We can tie them in for 24 months (that is in our agreement given the long term nature to see the usage/benefits). We 100% own the IP And can sell into other industries - already have this in the business plan for other training opportunities.

I suspect we can get live by End Feb/start March for v1 then hopefully rev generated will allow us to take on help. I also own a football ticket business that has its own team and am taking a step back from that to fully focus on this project.

[–] rtguk@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

So, given your points, what would you suggest at this time? We could work on getting some more pre-launch cash in through the partner we have. I've an extensive business plan which is built on a long term development strategy. Early users will retain access to new features as they are rolled out without price increases. Once they are onboard, the tie in is quite long given the nature of the product. We are essentially taking a task within the travel environment and improving the process and cost. The trade partner with whom I have discussed this has given some feedback and they are set to be implemented too.


We are working on a software tool that has come about after discussions with a contact in our industry.

We have built a prototype and they have already managed to pre-sale to a large national tourist board. He has indicated he has interest from other interested parties in our industry (we are in travel) and is working to secure more pre-sale.

The cost of the developers to help with this is our barrier as we are working on this full time but need more resource. Does anyone have any experience on attracting investment? We have a market validated, one client in place but just need the help to grow quickly

[–] rtguk@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Some of mine are like that and still managed to sell

[–] rtguk@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

I didn't think about that but I'm a control freak. If I don't have 100% control I want nothing to do with it

[–] rtguk@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I have started 4 this year, generated some revenue then get bored after a few weeks. I just ended up selling them on and seems to be plenty of people out there looking for this type of thing. I've done same with blogs....set them up and lose interest. Sold a few of these on Flippa. I started a large software project on the side which has potential to be quite large within a specific niche so am working on this slowly. I'm slightly more committed to this as have firm clients but will take at least a few months. I quite like the build and sell but just feel it's no good for my mental health

[–] rtguk@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I have been building for last 2 years but seriously for year. The projects start trading then I sell them so that's how I've generated funds. Yes there is a market but I've always had a stable business. Recently started selling blogs on Flippa as that's something else I've done. I've been self employed for 25 yrs and always managed to get by...


I have such a busy mind with ideas and opportunities I can't seem to settle on projects. For example I built an e-commerce project which I have lost the interest in now it is built and live. I've also done the same for a couple of software tools. I have generated decent money over the last 12 months building and selling the saas projects but have tried to give a couple a go but my interest goes when it comes to actually running it. I'm very much an ideas person so have no problem in this area....


Working on a side project - a tool that creates your blog posts and sends them automatically to you via email. You set the criteria and the rest is done on autopilot.

Just planning at the moment but is it something you would use?