joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Or even better, btop

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've used vim with a smattering of essential plugins for years to do this, and only this year moved to Neovim for the same.

It's not Open Source, but I've also taken a hefty liking to Obsidian's canvas mode. Likewise, I share a small selection of lists with my other half via Google Keep.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Syslog (rsyslod) is usually the standard answer for the average sysadmin, but it depends a lot on your needs. A lot of newer loggers output as pure JSON, which offer benefits to readability and more approachable search logic/filters/queries (I'm so tired of regex).

When you start venturing down the road of finding the right way to store and forward the output of logging drivers from Docker containers, as one example, rsyslod starts to feel dated.

The easy answers if you want to throw money at the problem are solutions like Splunk, Datadog, or New Relic. If you don't want to (and most people wouldn't), then alternatives certainly exist, but some of them are just as heavy on system resources. Greylog has relative feature parity with Splunk Enterprise, but consumes just as much compute and storage if not more, and I found it to be a much larger pain in the butt to administer and keep running.

The likeliest answer to this problem is Grafana Loki, just based on what I've read of its capabilities, but I haven't had a chance to circle back and test it out. Someone here who has might be able to weigh in and speak to its strengths/weaknesses.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

And I wouldn't advocate for installation of a daily driver OS on anything less than an m.2, these days. Fair enough. A consideration for the future, then.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

If you have two separate physical drives to work with, dual-booting is a great "training wheels" approach to the problem. Then you can take your time with the learning process and hop back into Windows quickly whenever you need a break or the ability to do something quickly that the Linux hasn't been set up for, yet.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

That's mostly preference, once you get things all set up and installed. You can't avoid updating forever because you'll eventually need to install something new from the repos, and it's good to have some kind of update cadence for security's sake, but daily is a bit much. Ain't Nobody Got Time For That.

I save that effort for a Saturday once every couple of months, and it usually goes smoothly without incident. I could go longer if I wanted, 2 months feels right to me.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Steam Deck changed the landscape of dev support for anti-cheat significantly. It's still not perfect, but most games relying on EAC work now with minimal issue. You might have to occasionally revalidate installed files or reinstall EAC for the game after a patch and that's about it.

Other anti-cheat solutions are still a crap-shoot and likely won't work. Thankfully, VAC and EAC are the most prevalent.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Minimal issues here. Set up Arch, install nVidia, add build hooks before next kernel update, carry on.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

One of the main reasons my wife hasn't taken the Linux plunge is Photoshop support and a lack of feature-complete alternatives with sane UI design choices. We would gladly pay for a Linux version Photoshop.

It"s dawning on me now as I write this that Proton could be the secret sauce that slays this monster. Has anyone tried adding Photoshop as a non-Steam app to the Steam client, lately?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That doesn't represent disinterest by the developers. In fact, that's a big red circled F on a report card to them, and including that comment is intentionally bringing attention to a glaring deficiency. It's very likely that they have a plugin implemented in their IDE which surfaces TODO items vividly, and their associated Jira task or epic can't be closed out until all of the remaining work is complete.

I'd be more worried if the code presented a clear danger to privacy and DIDN'T directly address concerns in one form or another. You should be praising this dev for raising awareness to his peers and making sure this gets done, not the opposite.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

AI happened. The promises, benefits, opportunity for massive financial gain, and the clear and present danger of how transformative it can be have all caused internet-bases companies to throw out the rulebook and lose their collective minds.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Given how much I miss earlier versions of the internet, when almost all content was created and maintained by early-adopting pioneers, I would personally encourage a clear split from site-powered corporate shenanigans.

Mountains of objective, factual resources have found themselves drowned out of public mindshare by an endless firehose of intellectual junk food produced by SEOs, bots, AIs, and anyone else on the hunt for their daily clicks. I have trouble even finding good examples anymore thanks to today's endlessly-manipulatable search algorithms.

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