I am very much so … but that’s only because both my parents were shithead drug addicts in their 20s. My mom got in AA and turned her life in to a better place but she was starting again from the bottom. My dad didn’t get help and was still using and dealing and struggling last time I heard.
Ahhh Blender, that explains it. I really liked this movie but it reminded me of Hoodwinked, that movie where they accidentally deleted it half way through the final render and it ended looking really rough.
I really like the story and art direction but it felt like they needed to run it through a couple more steps in the render to smooth out the lighting and touch up the fur.
I am 100% behind a Weird Al cover of Pink Pony Club as a mash up strip clubs and MLP.
I loved TLOU and was totally involved in the storytelling. I’ve never been so emotionally attached to the characters in a game as I was with Joel and Ellie. The real strength was how the writers used the video game’s abilities to change your POV character to really drag you into the story. Right from the tutorial where you start off as Joel’s daughter and by becoming her at the start the twist at the end of the tutorial really hits harder then you expect because you’ve been her. By the end of the game by playing as both characters you really become invested in their relationship and attached they are which makes the roaring rampage of revenge at the end in the hospital somehow totally expected right up to the shoot out in surgery. I mean I was so invested in the relationship that my hands were shaking and I’m ashamed to admit that I shoot the nurses as well.
I’m confused I thought he was saving it for President Musk to buy. Does this mean Musk couldn’t get the loans?
Ok so from what I can understand it blew off approximately a million years ago, and now it’s about 8.8k ly away. But where was it in relation to earth when it exploded?
Ok so from what I can understand it blew off approximately a million years ago, and now it’s about 8.8k ly away. But where was it in relation to earth when it exploded?
Maybe it’s a because I’m rewatching it right now but the first couple that jumped to my mind was Andy and April from Parks and Rec. Andy is very warm and bubbly and April is not. They’re a very fun couple but I’m not sure about breaking gender roles so much as just not really caring about them. The rest of the couples in P&R are pretty good friendship and passion combos from Ron and Diane’s practical seriousness to Leslie and Ben’s friendly romance. It’s the first place I heard the phrase that’s become my relationship touchstone “I love you, and I like you.”
I definitely felt like the whole Starbase 80 arc had a lot of a back door pilot feel to it. And honestly I’d be down for it too.
Control? I was just thinking that was a sweet Baltaro Mod.
Replied to a post on Lemmy for the glory of the empire!!!!!