
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 1 year ago

Plex can be set to auto delete. You can set it to delete after something has been watched (after a delay if you want), or to keep a pre-set number of items (e.g. only keep the five latest episodes of show X) or a combination.

Just make sure you set up the *arrs to not re-download the thing that Plex auto deletes.

I'm a hoarder so I keep a lot, but anything that's time-sensitive like current affairs shows, I delete after watch and set to only keep the latest three episodes.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Homepage is great. I like that you get little snippets from the apps it links through but is more customisable than something like Heimdall which does similar. It’s become my go-to having tried pretty much every other dashboard out there over the years.

[–] 24 points 1 year ago

and now Google of all companies wants to lock down the whole internet?

Of all the companies, Google always seemed the most likely, both to want to and to be successful. They’ve tried before, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in larger more obvious ways (AMP, the implementation of content filtering in Chrome etc.).

They’re the world’s largest advertising and data harvesting company. It’s their business. Of course they want to lock the internet down to serve their goals of learning as much about you as possible and using that data to shove ads in your face.

Whenever using any Google/Alphabet product you have to ask yourself, “am I ok with this thing I’m about to use being built by the world’s largest advertising company?”. The answer should be “no” more than it is “yes”, particularly for things that have access to lots of your data, like web browsers, phones, home speakers etc.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

We (i.e. those of us who work in the industry and care about such things) really need to work on messaging to get through to normal people.

For instance, people are genuinely freaked out at the idea of Facebook listening to them through their phones. It really hits a nerve. Now that isn't happening, but what is happening is even worse. Facebook are able to predict your behaviour, your thoughts, so well that it gives the illusion that they're listening to you. They've spent decades training their models on your behaviour, your content, both on their website and across the entire web and beyond. And they've fucking nailed it.

That's far far more scary than them listening to you. They know things about you that you don't even say out loud. It's terrifying.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

If the AMA taught us anything, it's that spez doesn't actually use reddit. Let alone understand it.