
joined 2 months ago
[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Yes, the update bricked the systems, meaning the software that powers their business was unaccessible, reinstalling any version of windows would not restore the software built on top of the os. Thus why it became a huge ordeal rather than a simple update push from Microsoft, a bricked system can’t receive a fix remotely.

[–] -1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Powerful combo, mastering shortcut keys opens up a whole realm of relaxed posture. Mouse is effective but weak in comparison to efficiency of the keyboard at least when editing text files.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago

Yes, all it takes is small critical details to influence the desired reception of a presentation of data. A goal of a good map or any statistical based representation is not to operate as means of propaganda, but rather by letting the viewer decide the correlation based on making the actual data easy to understand without deceiving in an appealing way.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago

I bump the font size way up on my media TV as small text at distance tends to lead to eye strain, but you might have better eyes than me.

[–] -2 points 2 months ago

It is embarrassing that American politics have become such a selfish individual vehicle for well intentioned leaders that end up corrupted the instance they join the upper tiers of our current national government.

It is why neither party can present a better alternative candidate to a government that was built on the hopes of retaining an integrity to prevent the current shit show of a short term power grab happening now.

While Americans are robbed of over half their hard earned income, our leaders don’t even care that we know they are stuffing their pockets to take away another one of our protections or weaken the dollar or screw over the working class to further extend their margins while keeping this well oiled system running uninterrupted with them staying at the top.

Why are we settling for mediocrity, as the greatest economy in the world, in how our government is run? It is a puppet show at this point, our government seems like an archaic joke when measured up to what should be expected from modern humans who will work nearly a third of their life under the current system.

We deserve better than to be treated as uneducated fools while our protections and quality of life slowly diminish at everyones expense except the ruling class. We are the fools thinking voting into an already corrupted system will change what is wrong at its fundamental level.