This is beautiful and highly relatable and for that I must thank you.
Welcome to the salad group.
beyond the issue of the price, this isnt comparable to a trip to the pictures once a month as movies change... and if someone spent stupid money on a ingame ship you dont think theyll buy another? these companies dont offer consumer friendly deals they instead hunt wales.
way to say "im a prick" without saying it
Nice I recently got a similar monitor after a hiatus from ultra wide
Very beautiful, what monitor are you using?
Plenty of other search engine that need your attention 🫠
Sorry for being maybe dumb on this subject but doesn't python run uncompiled like bash scripting does?
Ive run python from termux
And the cashier would have no fucking clue 😂
Competitive games were once upon a time p2p 🥲 now we have single player games that demand networking.
I support this. Sadly I'm not subscribed but wish I was just so I could cancel 🥲
Anyone hear that hackers have been embedding password crackers into WordPress. Turns non assuming visitors into password cracking botnet