
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 10 months ago (3 children)

It's fine. "Only 27GB" is hardly too small for the system, even a bloated system wouldn't take that much space.

But if you must have a larger partition I think a reinstall would be easier, resize the partition is possible but because of the encryption not a straight forward thing. I wouldn't bother really.

That's not the question that needs to be answered, first you must allocate enough space for you system partition, and whatever other system related partitions that you want to use, var, temp, swap, you get the gist, then whatever space you have left is your home partition. This scenario being a default personal use desktop ofc.

If this is going to be a BTRFS system then it also doesn't matter since sub volumes share the total space available dynamically.

Also if this is a modern hardware consider not having a swap partition and instead use ZRAM.

[–] 11 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Well having a dedicated /home partition is the very minimum and pretty much default.

If you are interested in having a backup/restore solution for your system you are looking for BTRFS which uses sub volumes instead of primary partitions and is compatible with snapshot tools, those tools being Timeshift and Snapper.

I do think Snapper is the superior solution however it's also more complex to set up and requires significantly more prep work. Imo totally worth it.

I currently use it on my main machine Debian with BTRFS and Snapper and couldn't be happier.

As far as I remember adaway is the og adblock for android, it is available on f-droid and pretty much the only app that I used since ever, and one of the few reasons I still won't let go of rooted phones,

On top of that I would recommend you to run your own DNS server with unbound, add to that pi-hole and wireguard and you have your own pi-hole set-up on any device you want.:

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not sure why you would want to specifically do that since you can boot from a normal graphics install and just use the shortcut ctrl+shift+F# to change to the TTY.

However if you really want to just edit you GRUB config and copy paste the the menu entry you want to duplicate, and to one of them add a "space" and the number "3" to the end of the line. This way one entry would boot the graphics mode and the other would boot directly to TTY.

The solution is found here and perhaps a thread like this would better fit here !

Still waiting for the new season of "For all mankind", started right after when the Expanse ended, right now I'm starved for a good scifi