I'm not a math boi but I feel like you'd probably run out of air b4 the black hole got you
Somehow the ai made his face more uncomfortable to look at
I literally saw someone using slack the other day and got excited. Wtf is wrong with me
Where the dutch live, duh
Unfortunately most people don't think beyond swapping to the other guy when things are bad under the current one
I get what you're saying but I made friends with my coworkers specifically because they were able to acknowledge how lucky we got
Nvidia drivers? Good luck friend
"""gamers""" aren't a monolith
Some people clearly care bc they are currently discussing it
I've searched chat logs that are ancient as all hell. Not sure what lead you to think they purge history. Maybe it's only on the largest servers?
I've generally enjoyed the iphone line the most. Idk if the iphone 4 was actually the best or if I just have a lot of nostalgia for it, but either way I'd say the iphone 4
My aunt gave me an edible for Thanksgiving last year and I felt nothing for the first few hours. Cue random panic attack on the ride home that lasted until 4 am
Gotta do something with those hands