
joined 1 year ago

Nope. White are real people, too. You respawn white back at the beginning (i think you have the option to, so you could stay red as well) if you managed to find all the glyphs. Ive been the White Traveler lots of times.

Fair enough! I was under the impression you had to finish all the quests. I had already done so prior and i think i read about it to confirm, so whatever source i read that wasnt correct!

Yea. If i remember right he had no memory of actually killing everyone, just the beginning when the kid tried to screw him over. So maybe he didnt think about how bad it actually was?

And, of course, V never made it clear that everyone was supposed to think he was dead…’cause taking his dog tags wasnt clear enough.

[–] tenacious_mucus@sh.itjust.works 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

Obvious spoilers here—-

Dude txts you back a few days later and says he was recovering, thanks for the help, etc. But he feels really bad about all the people he killed and wants to make it up to or apologize to the people in the Stacks. V can reply with basically a “no! You’ll ruin eveything, dont!” Because they think he’s dead. But he says “too late, already did”.

Soooo, you could just never go back to that area….or if you do, they’ll all be really upset with you and never talk to you again. You dont really have any need to go back there anyways, but not a 100% happy ending, as with most of the PL quests, lol.

[–] tenacious_mucus@sh.itjust.works 5 points 8 months ago (6 children)

I let him talk. As with most of the PL quests, there’s always some deeper layers and usually a pretty good moral decision to make.

If you finished all the Cyberpsychos and the quest to find them all, at some point in the conversation you’ll have the option to convince him to call Regina to get help. I chose that method. Of course it kind of back-fires later on with the quest-giver chick in the Stacks, but I still feel better about the whole outcome.

Awesome! It is kinda odd that electric vehicles have to have noise generators at lower speeds for safety reasons, why dont motorcycles?

[–] tenacious_mucus@sh.itjust.works -1 points 9 months ago

Quiet scooters arent on highways and interstates- places where traffic will still back up and lane splitting is perfectly legal, even with traffic still moving.

[–] tenacious_mucus@sh.itjust.works 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Pretty sure your answer is going to be no. The ONLY way to do this would be a horn or speaker system pointed forward like you mentioned which would have to be speed controlled, otherwise it would just be a constant siren of sorts. That being impractical and likely not well sought after, I dont think anything exists. Like other commenters have already said, scooters and such quiet, small displacement bikes dont have any noise enhancement and have never needed it- BUT they are primarily used in slower-speed city-type traffic, not out on higher speed highways and interstates (regardless of the actual speed of traffic flow when lane splitting is utilized).

I understand your concern, though. I used to commute daily on 2 wheels in the Bay Area on highways and on I-80 and people definitely could hear me and would move over when they could, and my bike isnt even “loud”- just a 900cc Triumph. Sometimes they wouldnt realize they were on the center line blocking progress and you could blip the throttle and then they’d notice and move over- something you wont be able to do on an electric bike, short of just beeping the horn i guess. It was a nice, reassuring feeling that you knew that THEY knew you were there. Not to mention i’ve been in a cage plenty of times and heard motorcycles well before ive seen them, so again…noise is justified.

Maybe, but probably not. Standard case switches are just momentary circuit closing. Basically just temporarily shorting out 2 pins on the motherboard, purely mechanical, nothing digital or electronic about it. You can mimic this with anything conductive by directly shorting the 2 power pins on the motherboard (after unplugging the power switch wires).

Depending on the switches you got, there might not be enough continuity across the 2 pins to close the circuit based on how capacitive switches generally work- your finger or something else being the conductive circuit closure. Good thing is, you wont really hurt anything to try it, your PC just wont turn on. But if you wanna be real safe- unplug the power switch wires from the motherboard and hook the 2 wires to a multimeter and see what kind of resistance or continuity you get, the lower the better. Ideally 0 ohms, a full “short”. Realistically you should just buy the right parts, but i tried to answer your question anyways!