Thanks @darnell , glad you like the analysis! I also think it's an opportunity as well as a threat, and I agree that right now it looks like most large instances won't block, and most of all I agree that we'll have to wait and see what happens!
@fancysandwiches when Darnell and I discussed this before he pointed to some things they've said that certainly might imply that -- although also might not (which is back to the wait and see). It's certainly true that somebody like Oprah would have an IT department capable of running it and would see the advantages of being able to do that. But we don't really know,
all they've said is "decentralized".
@Chimaera We can't stop Meta from doing what they want with the millions of Insta accounts, and we can't stop instances who want to work with Meta from working with Meta. We can however have a Meta-free region of the fediverse, and it's very likely to be better in a lot of ways than the Meta-friendly region.