Brodie + TechHut = Respect to you
Fixes exposure
It says F39 users are not affected. Are you running Rawhide/F40 Beta? p
No, I don't. I remember using Aptoide to try to get Minecraft for free until they released 1.12 (Better Together) Bringing Mobile Minecraft up to Feature Parity with Bedrock on all platforms. The following versions, including minor updates didn't work because it required a license verification which ACMarket had removed in their modded version of Minecraft. That's around when I started using it, and I haven't used it for about 4-7 years approximately.
Good point. I should have mentioned that. Sorry. I used to use ACMarket but I can't recommend it because of how ad-driven it was (and I can't speak about safety cuz I have no idea).
Do you have those bemenu helpers in a repo somewhere? I've been really getting into bemenu scripting recently and I'm really enjoying the results (case in point: when I do a logout/shutdown via my bemenu logout script I feel like an absolute boss).
Fedora Hyprland, with Floorp and Emacs. Not very unusual, especially when compared to what people are saying here. Umm... floating Waybar and EWW as a conky replacement? A customised Neofetch?
Oh, I got it! I'm using my own handcrafted colourscheme! It's not perfect but it looks very good and is quite nice and blue! And I use Bemenu for a logout menu in a homebrew script.
I'm getting into using Syncthing to synchronise my Notes directory between my devices, which I use on my phone to access my orgmode notes and todo items via an app called Orgzly.
I use a Launcher called Olauncher on my phone which runs LineageOS rooted with KernelSU (that's quite unusual I guess).
My backup solution is 2 USB sticks and Syncthing.
I run the teams-for-linux flatpak for education-related purposes.
Even with all that I still feel like the most Plain Jane user when I'm seeing people using servers and niche distros, even though I'm sure combining it all together will leave us with only 1 user in the world that does things in that exact way: me.
I've been using it since I switched to Fedora a month and a half ago, and I have had 0 problematical with it. Considering how much Fedora likes to be a testing bed for everything, I'm surprised it wasn't here with Fedora 39 (because it was delayed).
I can't really afford to pay for some things. I feel like pirating indie games is hurting indie creators by showing there's demand for pirating them, making it more likely indie games will be pirated.
So I only play indie games that were originally released free of charge to begin with.
For AAA games, I pirate freely.
For anything else, I pirate without much thought of the morals and ethics of it (that is some music (from the 60s-80s so I'm not hurting creators) and movies/tv that are oftentimes not keeping up to the standard expected and make their money at the cinemas anyways (and for the TV shows, they have already made more than enough, as I don't really follow anything newly released))
Lucky Patcher is interesting but much like rooting my phone, I found it disappointing in that it didn't bring much that I really wanted to do on a phone.
If you want to hack games, just use cracked stores like happymod.
Edit: With HappyMod you are risking the potential for malware as some people have mentioned. Do your research before trusting an internet stranger.
I'm sorry, I'm quite inexperienced when it comes to virtualisation. Can you please explain what you mean? Thanks.
I'm not sure if it's the same, but floorp has Workspaces which I find very useful