
joined 1 year ago

Think of it this way

There's your core of the system, the kernel part. It's the engine of the thing but basically its the package manager. This is what Ubuntu, Redhat, Arch, etc is. It's all interchangeable in some ways and also locked into a specific place you get your packages and updates. It could be any desktop and all of the desktop environments or just a command line.

So more often than not, the core will favor a specific desktop environment. You can always install multiple environments and they'll work but there's some things that are suited for one desktop environment over the other. Many of the basic apps don't work outside their environments. KDE apps don't always work in Gnome and vis versa.

So when you download Ubuntu, your basically says give me the package manager that points to the Ubuntu repositories that will understand your version of the core and give you prepackaged software that is meant to work with Gnome.

If you go with Kubuntu you'll get the same treatment but with the KDE desktop environment and all of its basic stuff.

But you can install KDE on Ubuntu and you can install Gnome on Kubuntu.

You can mix and match all the desktops if you want but at some point it does cause problems because the developers make different decisions and use different software that you're package manager has to deal with.

So some distros do things different, have different configurations and package managers. I use Arch which uses pacman (package manager) to give you core software that they keep up-to-date and test but it's limited in what it offers. So instead it has an AUR that can be accessed though many different sub package managers, like yay

I could go on but I hope this makes a little sense about the difference in distribution and desktop environments.

If you want a Windows 98 style desktop, look at KDE. It's a lot like how Windows works

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The JAMES song Walk Like You always makes it into my heart when I think about this...

You know more than you think you know

This universe is in your eyes

Inside the galaxies collide

They have a few songs where they do a great job of painting how small we are and yet we are made of the greatest things the universe has every made.... We are.

But I can talk....

this is the reason

(the reason I am going to be spreading from now on hahahah)

Probably depends on where you live but if its gross just put it in the garbage. If you are concerned about the workers safety, put it in a box and fill the box with other trash so it doesn't present a danger. Not all glass can be recycled even if its put into the recycling bin. But even glass that is not recyclable can be used for lots of other things. One of the cool things I discovered a bunch of years ago is that junk glass that isn't recyclable can be used to capturing methane from old landfill (they create a thick layer of crushed glass on the top of the old landfill and then cover that with a membrane and then they can suck the gas that is stuck between the glass layer and the membrane.)

that was definitely fun to watch, thanks!

note to self, if my instance ever fold


[–] 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (2 children)

I got banned from one of the politics communities for calling out someone using the "blue maga" phrase. I called them ambitious and then called called them weirdo and got my comment removed for "attack language", when I quested the mod they banned me for a few days. I will avoid any communities that mod is a part of.

that's exactly what a bot would say!

He'd probably try eating the stupid thing!

I was living downtown in Seattle and they were always near the market bothering people. They would setup their little booths right on the sidewalk and force people to walk around them. When they would try to talk to me is when I would just spit at their feet. I probably fit the street punk look and they would talk shit at me so I escalated it that one time. The Obama Hitler shit just enraged me

I had a workflow that I designed in May and then we had to wait for the fiscal year to turn over before we could get another batch of the new style of devices. Between May and this week, Microsoft and Google must have made some changes because my workflow didn't work as directed. I hadnt needed to disable Play Protect for that initial workflow. I just waited until the Intune enrollment was clearly done (policies and profiles were completed in Intune) before I did the customization of the device with abs and such, that seemed to make the other devices go according to plan.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Lyndon LaRouche

LOL oh man I have not thought about that fool in years... I would spit on the ground when I would walk by those fools. There was a lot of them in Seattle. One time a guy took offense on me looking him in the eye and then spitting at his feet. Since I lived in the neighborhood I went home and grabbed a couple eggs and tossed them at their booth. Good times!


Eastern Washington University located in Cheney, WA USA

Lots of turn of the century buildings with modern updates. They have done a good job keeping the updated parts looking like they belong with the antique architecture.

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