
joined 10 months ago

So my LLC is going to be online publishing content incorporated in Wyoming. I have an EIN, articles of formation, etc. My next steps are to start a business bank account, and of course consult with a CPA.

In the meantime however, I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed about a few things that I was hoping to clarify here.

  1. What exactly is bookkeeping and am I supposed to be paying a service to do this? I had just assumed saving my business bank account statements would be how I kept my books. Then, at the end of the year, I give these statements to a CPA and they do my taxes for me. Is this not correct?

  2. Why do some articles say I have to pay taxes quarterly (but file tax forms once a year), while others say I only do it once a year along with my tax forms? Are only some kinds of businesses supposed to pay quarterly, while others annually, and if so, what kinds?

  3. Do I need to pay for a CPA service that I can consult with year round, or am I supposed to just see a CPA with my bank statements at year end, then pay them a one-time fee to file my taxes for me?

I guess altogether, I’m just a little overwhelmed by all of these paid services advertising bookkeeping + accounting services for $$/month. I get that for some businesses, especially brick and mortar ones, things can get a little trickier or confusing with their books. But for an online only business, do I really need to do more than pay a CPA once a year to file my taxes for me?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

How did you do it? On your own or using a service?

And did you register the LLC in the same state? I’ve been thinking about Delaware or Nevada.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

But what if I’m planning on having another idea of the first doesn’t pan out?

I honestly feel like I just want another source of income, whatever it may come from. Wouldn’t that be better to simply make a general LLC with a versatile name that I could use for any number of my pursuits?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Should I just start one umbrella LLC for any/all of my gigs? Say if one of my ventures/services don’t make money, I was just gonna do something else anyway, so I could name the LLC something general like that.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Yeah that’s what I was thinking.

And if my current venture doesn’t work out, I could alway start another one, right?

I’ve been thinking about adding a side gig to my work for an additional stream of income. I was always gonna do something, even if my first thing fails, I was going to just do something else for income.

So I don’t see why I shouldn’t just make one and name it something general.


Just asking what best practices typically are, because someone told me that I should try to get small but consistent income results before starting an LLC.

I guess this makes sense, since it can cost a little to start and is a lot of work. However, wouldn’t this mean my business’s initial income/expenses would be coming in/out of my personal account, rather than a business bank account?

Don’t most people advise against this?