Overall I would say yes I could counter but I'll leave it, you've made it more complicated than what I was pursuing, but also seemingly sounding like a lot of locals or more empty than I thought and I have to understand that the people of Vancouver operate on a lower functional level and have lower standards so people can't recognize what is wrong with how they conduct themself.
I do agree that depending on the topic, if someone doesn't know the perspective you are coming from, then it's better to stay silent about it. I only share full honesty of my views with people who come specific cultures, so they would know the references and background when I say my full uncensored opinion.
I don't believe a disagreement even has to be explained. If while someone is talking, you say "I disagree" and the person can continue their point, you've expressed your disagreement, and they don't need to inquire further, simply leave it tht you disagree and that's that.
By original question is why it seems if tere is a simple expression of disagreement, people either end the conversation there and shut it down, or make up a reason to run away from the conversation as if they were harmed by someone saying "I don't think so, I can't go along with that."
It sounds like you presume a confrontational nature to disagreeing or the nature of the disagreement has a extremist nature to what you are against. Married couples can have strong disagreements and be happily married, but on a single specific topic, they can't agree, but most other things in the marriage is working wsll. What I'm referencing is someone talking about something, another person says "I don't think so, I don't support that.", to which the reply can be something along the lines of "Oh you don't agree? I'm curious hear your take or why you dont.". After said explanation, the original person says "I get that, but we don't agree, all right, no sweat."
Ok, whatever, if you say so
How does the number of users online mean anything at all? Why would people care how many are currently online for Steam?
Google could be selling it as a live number fom the servers seeing outgoing activity, in the same way a Gmail is sold as an active address.
You are part of a proprietary service, you cannot be surprised.
My sentiments exactly. That was not worth a post, and whoever did post should find helpful practical information and stop complaining on the internet.
He lives with parents and only pays for utilities, no rent, so he spends $1200 a month on flights instead of $2000 or $2500 on rent.
You're suggesting to be delicate with everybody and never believe someone is a confident adult until they've shown that they don't get irrationally emotional over unpleasant words.