When it comes to aviation in general — something only a small share of the world's population takes part in — it contributes roughly 2.5 per cent of all CO2 emissions and has thus far contributed to roughly four per cent of global warming.
"Ignore the 892 Mt CO2, focus on the 15.6 Mt CO2!"
(from the paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01775-z )
also this:
Global commercial aviation is estimated to have emitted 892–936 Mt carbon dioxide (CO2) in 20191,2,3 and is responsible for about 4% of global net anthropogenic effective radiative forcing4,5.
(first paragraph of the text)
The invention of airplanes was a mistake that needs to be reversed urgently.
Some recommended reading:
"Would abandoning false hope help us to tackle the climate crisis?"
"Climate of hope or doom and gloom? Testing the climate change hope vs. fear communications debate through online videos | Climatic Change"
‘Climate Optimism’ Is Dangerous and Irrational
Making the future too bright: how wishful thinking can point us in the wrong direction
"The Neoliberal Optimism Industry"
And some gallows humor for you: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/zwgsdit718nhpvp2u25s0/h?rlkey=3fkknreo30eovbmim8wqnt56b&e=1&dl=0 from https://postdoom.com/