I don't know what OP used, but it could be any one of the Markdown presentation tools.
I like reveal.js
Your presentation can go in git, looks good anywhere, and easily shared. It's just html rendered.
I don't know what OP used, but it could be any one of the Markdown presentation tools.
I like reveal.js
Your presentation can go in git, looks good anywhere, and easily shared. It's just html rendered.
I want to support pharonix but damn, chill out ob the ads. Especially the video overlays on mobile. It is unusable without an ad blocker, while at the same time saying they are ad supported.
I would like to help, but ouch.
Your requirements are confusing.
I get the sata ports, but why the 2 m.2 SSD's?
Why the 16 GB ram minimum? My server has multiple containers/services and barely uses 3 gb ram.
I say this because this is the crux of the issue:
- Enough performance for various docker containers
What you do here effects everything else right?
So a little clarification about what services might help make design a little easier.
No need to opt out if you never opted in.
What are you DNS settings? Is the gateway configured? Can openmediavault check for updates itself?
I mean he’s a kinda retarded libertarian who distrusts the government in its entirety.
No, he is not. He is a grifter, that exploits peoples fears for money. He also happens to have a decent amount of hate coupled with a stunted maturity, which makes for finding an easy audience to grift.
I heal what you are saying, but there is no retaliation, no punishment. This is a civil matter, he choose to get himself into this mess by not even trying to get out of it, and now this is the restitution that his peers have found him liable for.
Cruel and unusual is what he did by lying about people to create the fear solely for profit. There is no libertarian angle, no news story. It is simply he is willing to hurt others for money.
You would think he would pay, but look at OJ. Verdict to pay 30 million, and after all these years he only did 130,000.
Getting assets seized and wages garnished is not as easy as you would think.
Surely you followed the trials, since you have an opinion. Jones had so many opportunities to make that case, and didn't. Stalling, lying, and fighting with the courts did not work out well for him. Calling the judge names outside of court and denying everything also did not work for him.
Reviewing the income statements and the effects it had on everyone's lives, the jurors came up with a number that was the sum. In two different cases as well.
It is not as cut and dry as "he shouldn't be punished, and this was too much"
Right. In another comment i wondered how funkwhale was handling copyright.
Personally, I gave up on copyrighted music. I just don't care, there is so much freely traded music out there it just doesn't matter to me.
But then again 99 percent of music on my server is live so I know I am the oddball
More like get them changed of course, the rules make absolutely no sense. Of course that will be hard because the publishers and corporations have a nice racket going.
True about the enforcement, that would be difficult. If one of the federated nodes suddenly had copyright material, how would we know and deal with it? How does Funkwhale deal with it?
At that point just set up a server for streaming/downloading those files… except that already exists with their existing free distribution methods.
No, the whole point is distributed servers (and users), and there are not easy distribution using a single server method.
I can't believe we cant get past this, it is ridiculous.
Edit: the library idea was like Freegal where different libraries can contribute.
I think you mean different. I find the bouncing very normal after all these years. The spinning wheel and hourglass is there but they are used to indicate system waits, rather than launches.
Of course you can shut the bouncing launch off if you dont like it.