
joined 1 year ago
[–] wisplike_sustainer@suppo.fi 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

So, a new not-a-markup-language, only human readable and editable, and objectively better than its predecessor? Well, it's all according to tradition. I believe YAML got its start the same way.

[–] wisplike_sustainer@suppo.fi 0 points 5 months ago (10 children)

YAML to JSON is probably doable, JSON back to YAML not so much.

There are multiple ways to mark multiline strings in YAML. Then there are anchors, like bionicjoey mentioned. Also comments, YAML has them. You'd have to have some way to retain the extra information, if you want to make the full round trip.

Here's an example:

def-db: &def-db
    # here be dragons
    login: admin
    passwd: nimda
    db: *def-db
    desc: |
        I'm a teapot
        short and stout

        <<: *def-db
        passwd: pass
    desc: "I'm a teapot\nshort and stout\n"

converted to JSON looks like this

    "def-db": {
        "login": "admin",
        "passwd": "nimda"
    "prod": {
        "db": {
            "login": "admin",
            "passwd": "nimda"
        "desc": "I'm a teapot\nshort and stout\n"
    "dev": {
        "db": {
            "login": "admin",
            "passwd": "pass"
        "desc": "I'm a teapot\nshort and stout\n"
[–] wisplike_sustainer@suppo.fi 9 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I can’t even remember the last time I pirated a game.

I do. 2008, Sims 2. I owned a legit copy, but the DRM was too much of a hassle, plus I didn't want my kids to scratch the discs. So I pirated a playable, child-proof version.

[–] wisplike_sustainer@suppo.fi 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

The inverse is often true thanks to Linus’s Law.

The article you linked seems to suggest that Linus's Law is a mere suggestion, at best.

No one is suggesting that open source is inherently less secure, just that the vulnerabilities are easier to find, and thus easier to get exploited. For a third party reviewer there's a lot of incentive not to report bugs they would find in banking software.

[–] wisplike_sustainer@suppo.fi 14 points 10 months ago (1 children)

If your software makes your clients' life easier and your internal operations cheaper/faster/whatever, it's a competitive advantage. Why would you give it away? Corporate greed or healthy competition, I suppose, depending on your point of view.

[–] wisplike_sustainer@suppo.fi 12 points 11 months ago

Distro developers were notified a month ago. At least Redhat and Debian have have published fixed versions. This is common procedure.

[–] wisplike_sustainer@suppo.fi 34 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Objectively better

based on my personal opinion

[–] wisplike_sustainer@suppo.fi 2 points 1 year ago

Youtube requires signing in, but I think it's the same video as in this Polygon article.