"You don't face your fears, you ride them."
Sorry, y'all, but if you're already into tornado chasing, then something that scares you enough to stay home is probably simple prudence, not an emotional block. Either this guy is our protagonist and shouldn't be, or he's an antagonist and his Faustian temptation is unconvincing.
I dunno, maybe the CGI will look cool.
This is also age and culturally contextual. If kid and dad are on the same page about why junior is still living there, and if Dad is financially secure, he may want kid to pay down debt and be ready to jump straight to a nice place of their own. Now, if the family unit overall could use the help, and there is no specific plan for junior to move out, and and they're just sandbagging to have more money in their pocket after paying down student loans, it could be kinda shitty. Paying down the debt is not bad; minimizing overall cost of living for the family is not bad; what Boop2133 does with their money beyond loan payments might be bad.