This is actually a terrific idea. Unfortunately there is a high probability that the workers will use their mobile data to access the form. But I'm thinking how it might be possible to set this up in a believable manner. These workers from the lower lower middle class section of society and they don't understand forms. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks for the egg. It's eggcelent.
Yes, i contacted valve. They marked the device as stolen. The Valve employee said that it won't be applicable for future warranty attempts. I'm not sure what else is possible.
I hope when the thief connects his account to the device, it get banned or something.
It's not mine. Just a random image which is like my emotional state at the time of the event.
I, along with the rest of my family, are probably too trusting of people. At my old place, i used to leave stuff like this all the time and I never even thought that it could get stolen.
I wish I learnt this lesson earlier but in a different manner. 😔
I am extremely grateful of Steam Cloud. I was playing Celeste and I saw that my progress is saved.
Also, I thankfully didnt use my personal IDs on the device. So the thieves couldn't use it for any other purpose.
Sorry, the image is unrelated. But it's representative of what I feel like.
Inspired from the quote “Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.”
Source: Unknown
Anyone can make a good website. It takes a real engineer to make a horrible website that people will use just enough while suffering.
That's disgusting! Tell me the nsfw instances that I should add to my banlist.
A part of me wishes hackers do a Crowdstrike on Vanguard to stop this trend.
While they belong to Urban Company, they were called as external agents for this particular job by my renter.