What? They take less than ten seconds.
Allowed in carry on but not checked bags, for the same reason.
My ice has less range than 400 so this is a bit of an exaggeration.
Where are we on this? No way we're at the bottom of the trough yet.
Almost never? The most common is you can only vote in the primary you are registered in, and you can only be registered for one at a time. The next option is be unaffiliated and be allowed to pick which one to vote in. I'm personally not aware of states where someone can vote in both at the same time.
I'm mostly happy with Joplin. Happy enough I haven't switch to anything else.
Go watch a random 60s-70s sci-fi movie.
I literally wouldn't be able to open my doors in my garage. Ioniq too fat.
The amount of hostility in here is nuts.
ITT: People who are not familiar with how much movie soundtrack work Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross have done together.
Looks like I'm going to use my work laptop browser a lot less.
The whole point of church/religion is to get you to act a specific way in your daily life, not just at church or in the presence of other people of the religion.