I just got my laptop this past week as part of batch 2. All of the BSODs have been for DPC_Watchdog_Violation. Running latest Windows 11 with the FW AMD driver kit installed. The system freezes in place for a good 15-30 seconds before it actually goes and blue screens. I’ll have to admit, I am new to these windows debug tools, but that fact that they all seem to point to different sources leads me to believe it is a hardware issue that is causing the issues. I have a Samsung 980 Pro 1TB, and Crucial 2x 16GB 5600MT/s CT2K16G56C46S5, in addition to the Ryzen 5 board, and 2 USB C modules occupying the rear ports, and 2 USB A module occupying the front ports. Nothing has been plugged into the system for 2/4 crashes, with only power being plugged in for the other 2. I do have a dbrand Damascus skin applied to the lid of the laptop.
According to my debug logs, these are the modules where the issues stemmed from:
#1: ntkrnlmp.exe
#2: amdgpio2.sys, 5 minutes after crash #1
3 days later:
#3: System froze up so bad, that after 5 minutes it still did not get to the blue screen, so there is no debug log.
#4: dxgmms2.sys, 10 minutes after crash #3
Anyone have any ideas, or similar experiences?
I just got a BSOD with that same code (DPC_Watchdog_Violation) and it also froze for a while on a Dell laptop from work, maybe it could more of a Windows 11 problem?