Yeah, “theoretically rideable” vs “I would ride this” is huge. On a real road there’s a certain amount of maintenance and cleaning. Shoulders? Not so much.
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On a real road there’s a certain amount of maintenance and cleaning. Shoulders? Not so much.
I'd argue that depends on where you live! LOL Bike lanes around here are usually a, "oh, we'll just dump snow here." type lane!
I rode on several of these shoulders, and it looks like they were made to be wide and smooth on purpose (i.e. for cyclists). I think our government is following the data, which says that paved shoulders save (cyclist) lives.
That depends on local tagging preferences.
(For the non-canadians, it would help to have an image linked, e.g. on Mapillary or maybe Geovisio/Panoramax.)
Also: a warm welcome to the canadian Lemmy-community!