Linux desktops are crazy. Never thought I would be loving KDE, but here I am.
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Original icon base courtesy of and The GIMP
Thank fuck
I've been hoping that this would be added/fixed ever since I abandonded Windows several years ago
Can finally put obs away for 10 second screen caps lol
and a prompt that notifies users that WebP is better than GIF.
Why would they add this? As in like why would a DE do this?
Because it's giving you the option to do both but there's no reason to use gif any more, it is obsolete. WebP is no jpegxl, but it's better than gif.
To help users make an informed decision? GIF has become synonymous with "animated picture". Hardly anyone knows that most "GIFs" they see are actually mp4s or WebPs. They don't need to know. Until they have to decide on a file format themselves.
now it only misses the ability to pin a selected area on the screen, like in flameshot.