It sounds like a manual process. Why would you want to route the callers to your firm, when if using a IVR could do this and output a compatible HTML and CSS that can be displayed? Using a standard visual IVR is already doing this.
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Restaurant is located in united states and I am from Pakistan. So whenever a customer calls to place an order on the restaurant, i need a setup to get those calls here in there a cost friendly and easy way ? I only saw my previous company doing this...they had some grandstream ip phones and a server to connect with.
There is a ton of ways to route the calls, one being the grandstream you mention. But a call from the US to Pakistan over standard internet would be nasty in quality. The Jitter and Latency would cause excessive echos, pops, or other issues with the calls. The owner of the number would be required to send the calls to your solution, and then the store / your staff would all need to be registered to that solution.
Yes there is, you need a low cost pbx set up a free pbx And low cost routing. A good IT pro can do both in a couple of hours...
Yeah, that's a trivial thing to set up. Just buy SIP service from someone like and a local DID in the same calling area as the restaurant ($1.25/month). When they want you to handle their calls they just forward their main number to your DID and when they don't want to send you calls they just unforward it. Could even program buttons on their phone to dial the vertical service code and number to activate and deactivate this.
Why forward instead of porting the number? Well I assume the restaurant wants to keep ownership of the number and there is always the issue like the fiber optic link to Pakistan got severed by a fishing trawler or an earthquake.
You would need to get a US number from a SIP/VOIP provider, then just have the restaurant forward their number to the number you registered. two things though, you will get ALL of their calls using this method, so the restaurant would essentially not have a way to take calls unless they install a second line or get a second DID. Then, as others have mentioned, the call quality will probably be crap.
Bro bahut easy hai. Kisi bhi VICI dialer provider se baat kero they can set this up easy.