Check local ports at the location, 30 sec drop means NAT/SIP ALG/Firewall
Be civil. Disagreements of varying intensities will happen, but particularly vitriolic attacks will be pruned from the discussion.
Do not promote or advertise for any business, service or product unless responding to a specific request for recommendations. This includes recommending a user change providers when they have not indicated they are interested in doing so.
Do not send private messages to users, or invite users to send you a private message, for the purpose of promoting or advertising a business, service or product.
Do not invite, encourage, or seek help with engaging in unethical or fraudulent activity relating to VoIP, such as call spoofing, robocalling and autodialers, or fraudulent STIR/SHAKEN attestation.
Check if media encryption is on FreePBX extension but not the Yealink.
Check local ports at the location, 30 sec drop means NAT/SIP ALG/Firewall
Is the headset UDP, TCP, or TLS?
If UDP, try swapping to TCP or TLS.
By standard those are UDP. I tried swapping to TCP or TLS but always got the same result. Strangely setting one account in the Yealink Base to TCP and the other to UDP resolved the issue.