This sounds like you lied in the interview to get the job, but reality has hit you. Sink or swim, good luck!
Be civil. Disagreements of varying intensities will happen, but particularly vitriolic attacks will be pruned from the discussion.
Do not promote or advertise for any business, service or product unless responding to a specific request for recommendations. This includes recommending a user change providers when they have not indicated they are interested in doing so.
Do not send private messages to users, or invite users to send you a private message, for the purpose of promoting or advertising a business, service or product.
Do not invite, encourage, or seek help with engaging in unethical or fraudulent activity relating to VoIP, such as call spoofing, robocalling and autodialers, or fraudulent STIR/SHAKEN attestation.
I don't know where to begin with this... holy cow man.
When you googled everything.. how did you magically land on Sip.js needs to be on Node.js (Backend)?
Node.js can host both frontend and backend JS.
You would have SIP.js on the front end while having authentication and database connections at the backend.