Can you clarify? Like you're calling from 1 platform, through your carrier to other numbers?
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If you stop and describe what's happening, you'll probably come to the conclusion yourself. Troubleshooting is just about making logical conclusions.
Record the number you're dialing, and what number you're dialing from. Write down what happens in each circumstance. Is the behavior consistent and repeatable? If so, record which situations are repeatable. Then record what makes them not repeatable. For example, if you dial from your 555-111-2222 from your cell phone does it behave differently than when you dial from your landline?
If I had to venture a guess, your call flow is probably altering digits for different numbers. For example, maybe you've got a route pattern(assuming CUCM, since you mention Unity) that forwards to unity.
Again, assuming call manager, you may want to use the Dialed Number Analyzer tool. You can get there by http:///dna/. (The server needs to have the service enabled.) Once there, you can enter a starting device and the digits dialed.