It's a chicken or the egg scenario .... or the snake eating its tail ... it's an idea that isn't possible without giving up the past
Electoral Reform can only happen with a new system of power ... a new system of power can only come about through electoral reform
Current power structures don't, won't or can't change because of the current electoral system ... the electoral system can't change because of current power structures
We're asking the current leadership to give up their positions of power to make way for what people want ... they have to be willing to sacrifice their careers in order to create change ... they have to be the ones to create that change.
It's a dumb system because power and control is built into who ever has power ... and power can't be changed unless you find a way to remove those in power (and no I'm NOT advocating for or suggesting violent change, I'm talking about democratic change)
Unless we find more courageous politicians who are willing to make that change ... nothing will happen
Unless we find a way to disconnect money, finances and wealth from the system ... nothing will happen
EDIT: critical missing word added