OpenStreetMap community
Everything #OpenStreetMap related is welcome: software releases, showing of your work, questions about how to tag something, as long as it has to do with OpenStreetMap or OpenStreetMap-related software.
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
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There are many communication channels about OSM, many organized around a certain country or region. Discover them on is an easy-to-use website to view, edit and add points (such as shops, restaurants and others) has a lot of information for beginners too.
I use OSMAnd~ for navigation, and the "expert" version of StreetComplete for surveying.
The official OSM wiki has a nice chart with android apps: (There are also non navigation apps somewhere else on that site)
As someone else already said Magic Earth is great as a direct google maps alternative, I use it in combination with organic maps which I find better when on foot or looking around on the map.
I've used organic maps with some success
Thank you. Just moved to a new city, so I'm going to use the map a lot, hope it has good support for public transit.
Check put OneBusAway for transit. Its FOSS thats supported by city goverments.
Its unfortunately only usable in about a dozen cities, but if youre in one its solid. Available cities:
- Rogue Valley, Oregon (RVTD)
- San Diego, California (SDMTS)
- Seattle/Tacoma/Puget Sound, Washington (Sound Transit, KCM, Pierce Transit, Intercity Transit, and more)
- Spokane, Washington
- Tampa Bay, Florida (HART)
- Washington, D.C. (WMATA)
- York Region Transit, Canada (YRT / Viva)
For German users, I would recommend Öffi. It's open source and has public transport information for basically every city in Germany. Hasn't let me down so far.
Thank you that's was I was looking for!
That's very specifically unfortunate as Organic Maps has not public transport support yet
osmand has great map support. real-time nav for transit isn't an osm strength - i haven't seen an osm app that integrates live traffic or transit
I like OSMAnd for it's ability to work for almost any purpose you need it to serve. Besides that I enjoy Magic Earth (on Play store) as a Google Map alternative as it's UI is the cleanest.
Vespucci is great for editing.
It's pretty advanced though so maybe not for a casual user.
I use osmand+ quite a lot and like it very much