Uh, it's been coined for decades now.
Attempts to suppress knowledge of jury nullification are unfortunately also a long established tradition.
Edit: grammar
I'll see how the $50 AliExpress knock-off version works in a year or two
NT is (was?) a trademark of Canada's Northern Telecom.
Happened to me in 1997 but I didn't mind
Get fucked, Michael.
It's a good point. There are fan edits of many films so it's possible that the same could happen.
Would be great if the tax write-off would require the work to enter the public domain immediately.
It's getting dark
The only theft going on is the ongoing theft from the public domain, due to corruption of copyright law by special interests enabled by law for hire. Your analogy is irrelevant as the marginal cost of operating a park for an extra visitor is not zero.
I will gladly take a position of moral superiority, because copyright has evolved from a very limited monopoly, intended to encourage creativity while balancing public access, into a licence for corporations to seek rent.
So, call it stealing if you like, I will sleep well tonight regardless.
Nokia sealed their fate when they spent $8bn on NavTeq. Switching to Android would have made the purchase valueless, and the people responsible for the acquisition were still in charge.