Man, I would be such an easy mark for Tar-Mairon to corrupt.
Unrelated to the opsec, why is a SpongeBob Movie premiering on Netflix? Isn't Nickelodeon Paramount?
As someone very burnt out on Marvel, I'm cautiously looking forward to this. Daredevil was the best thing to come out of the MCU.
No. Anon died doing what he loved.
And yet, our tax dollars enrich him. Isn't that great?
That would seem to be the message we are intended to take away from the film, however this is contradicted by the fact that our protagonist uses this power and it works. Alternatively, the films message could be interpreted as: Nobody should weild this power, but sometimes it's necessary to stop someone who "wants to watch the world burn".
But… I’m not seeing the cryoto-fascist part. You’re going to have to explain that one.
Comes from the Dark Knight trilogy. The Patriot Act is used to catch the Joker, and Bane is a vilified Occupy Wall Street.
Pretty much every Nolan film, with the disclosure that I stopped watching his movies after Inception. His films are always well-acted and well-produced, but the scripts are just… dumb? They take themselves way too seriously and carry this air of highbrow intellectualism while being riddled with plot holes and contrivances. Not to mention the crypto-fascist messaging.
He’s like Zack Snyder, but he pulls it off well enough that critics buy into it. It drives me crazy when I see his name mentioned alongside great auteur filmmakers like Kubrick and Scorsese.
Dream set idea: Huge 1701-D set.
Though not to scale, can be opened to reveal three interior decks. Top deck contains the Bridge, Picard's Ready Room, and the Conference Room. Middle deck contains 10-forward, Sickbay, and a Crew Quarters with a Poker Table. Lower deck contains Main Engineering and a Transporter room.
Minifigs of the Bridge Crew, Guinen, Barclay, Wesley, Ro, Ogawa, O'Brian, Keiko, and a handful of misc crewmen. Throw in Spot and a Judge Q too.
I'll believe it when I see it. That said, I'd be willing to shell out for a Rivendell size and quality 1701-D or DS9
Your lizard brain is wired to avoid death, but non-existence shouldn't be scary. You've already done it for possibly an infinite amount of time.
I still enjoyed the first game but wasn't one of the lead devs on KCD a capital G Gamer? I remember some... interesting tweets from him. Was he booted or did he change his ways?
Edit: Derp, should have just read the article before commenting. Fascism eats its own yet again.