According to sarah silverman theyll grow up to hate israel so they gotta go (I dont like how she kinda got away from being cancelled because she was already irrelevent and shut off her comments for a year to avoid backlash) Midly salty I was her fan and thought she was a woke comedian because she told mfs to vote once.
Businesses already offer that like elestio
Yeah I regret commiting to a pc steam library, its just as bad as going console
I just feel like he doesnt do it, hed be more self aware and a better person, I think he lies to seem coll because ketamine was a cool meme for a bit
When I was testing panels I started up a bunch and deleted them the next day, saved me time reinstalling on a single one.
Hetzners still the cheapest pay by the hour option in the US? Long term id use racknerd or littlecreekhosting, but for quick deployments that are paid by the hour on the 3rd of the month, Hetzner is great. Don't have to whip out the credit card, it's instant.
Rd has no issues torrenting stuff? If it isnt cached it downloads it for me faster than my internet could lol. Thats a good idea tho, but typically if I lose internet, I've also lost power.
maybe he prefers tea
any reason to use this over real debrid + stremio?
The all men bad but I dont mean all men and if you think this applies to you then it does videos daily on tiktok do enough damage
cachyos is easiest way to arch, I found the install to be easier than bazzite, its all graphical, very straightforward, just works, imo gnome with extensions is superior to plasma rnow if you want a clean modern look, plasma can get you one too, gnome just feels more crafted. Plasma feels more like an easily tinkerable windows ui, imo in a year itll be nice.
Reason why I talk about gnome and plasma more than distros is that reslly decides your day to day a bit more, bazzite gnome vs plasma or if cachyos you can have both, requires some tinkering. I go back and forth but gnome is the one where I actually end up using my laptop more and feeling good about the look with minimal extensions/tinkering. Gnome without extensions is bottomtier tho imo, not much customization by default (to be fair extensions are built in and a default thing)
I see no reason to switch rnow, but atomic blue distros like bazzite should be safer long term and in general. Backups, fixes issues on reboot, stable with tested updates, etc. You can change to another without losing your files/data. Can't easy effect settings, etc. Im a tinkerer tho, so cachy is superior, things that takes seconds would take minutes and workarounds on bazzite.
They genuinely hate themselves and want less choice/power, they think because they themselves aren't capable of leadership, no other woman is, its frustrating af talking to them (my sister is one, went to college and went from a liberal to hardcore conservative somehow)