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[–] 13 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Next Change: Twitter blue check is replaced by a swastika image.

[–] 18 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Why not disassemble it and sell all the working parts, if they are rare and expensive?

[–] 3 points 7 months ago

Yeah, but you can do this in the background without blocking the whole page. In fact you have to go to extra lengths to make it "block" the whole page. Maybe it's just some css that sets the cursor to the "loading" image, and then ignores mouse clicks for a while, giving the illusion of doing lots of work...

[–] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

This will not happen, as long as other people find a way to use "religion" for power, influence or financial gain. Some people already thought that the mass adaption of the internet would be the end of religion, scams and other fraud preying on the gullible minds, because people could just read up what the catch is and not fall for it, right?

Unfortunately the scams just adapted, made their own flashy homepages that mostly outranked critical information and people just choose to belive what they want to belive.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

I'm not sure which platform (fb, Twitter, YouTube???) it was, but it did count "unfollow" or "block user/block channel/block post" as negative feedback, limiting future reach of this person's posts to other users of the platform.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago

Reddit has a lot of users that spend a lot of time there, so it is advertising potential, and a lot of Brands pay for ads on Reddit. Investors hope they will eventually make enough ad revenue to turn a profit.

However Twitter was and is in the same boat, it is a big site with many users, but was never profitable.

[–] 76 points 7 months ago (15 children)

He gifted himself a ludicrous $193 million compensation package.

Reddit, a 20-year-old company, has yet to turn a profit. In 2023, the platform lost a whopping $90.8 million.

Can someone explain to me how reddit can make a loss, while he pays himself MORE than the loss? Does that not mean that reddit would have made a 113 Million profit before his $193 million compensation package? What kind of business-algebra-gymnastics is at work here?

[–] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children) "Should we build sensible, small cars that are cheap to buy and drive, dont support speeding, need little parking space and prevent horrific high speed crashes? - No, it would hurt the economy and my penis would fall of driving something with less than 400HP that dosn't make vroom-vroom noises!"

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Don't have any of that; except that youtube keeps showing me colorfull gambling ads in the style of a farmville game... before and between kids videos.

(this happens when playing youtube via chromecast on the lounge TV; i have adblockers on my computers)

[–] 7 points 8 months ago

Well to be honest, the advertised tent looks like Snow White's Coffin to me...

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

If you start explaining some fact with god or religion, all I hear is "I'm done thinking!"

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

You assume that crypto is some "honest" and "for the people" currency system because its all documented in the blockchain, when in reality it is gamed by big banks, investors and scammers just like other financial tool where a lot of money is involved and no or insufficiant regulations are in place. If Elon tweets "you can no longer buy tesla withy bitcoin", your savings will loose a lot of value over night.


In höchster Majestät ergeht an Euch folgende Botschaft des Großherzogs Friedrich Maik®:

Es ist an der Zeit, dass Ihr, meine Untertanen und Bauernlümmel, die Wahrheit erfahrt! Ich, Friedrich Maik®, erkläre mich als den unehelichen Thronnachfolger und beabsichtige, meinen eigenen Staat zu gründen. Höret wohl und vergesset nicht: Ich bin nicht größenwahnsinnig, nicht verrückt und sicherlich kein Reichsbürger oder Taugenichts, wie böswillige Zungen behaupten mögen.

Zweifel an meiner Legitimität oder dem Anspruch auf meinen Titel sind nicht nur unangebracht, sondern auch gefährlich. Bedenket wohl, dass solche Zweifel mit dem Scheiterhaufen oder Galgen bestraft werden können. Ich rate Euch daher, Eure Worte mit Bedacht zu wählen und Euch loyal und treu meinem neuen Staat gegenüber zu verhalten.

Möge Frieden und Wohlstand über mein Land und seine Bewohner kommen!

In unverbrüchlicher Treue, Großherzog Friedrich Maik®


Berlin (dpo) - Genau zwei Jahre ist es her, dass in Deutschland alle gegen das Coronavirus geimpften Menschen gestorben sind. Der letzte von ihnen, Peter Müller (55) aus Chemnitz, schied genau vor 2 Jahren, am 1. Oktober 2021, qualvoll dahin. Dabei hatte mit dem Schlagermusiker Michael "Der Wendler" Wendler eine echte Koryphäe genau davor gewarnt.

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