Data: Hines analysis of Census Bureau and Moody's data; Note: Population demand is a theoretical housing demand metric based on long-term household formation and homeownership rates by age cohort; Chart: Axios Visuals
very scientific
Data: Hines analysis of Census Bureau and Moody's data; Note: Population demand is a theoretical housing demand metric based on long-term household formation and homeownership rates by age cohort; Chart: Axios Visuals
very scientific
Every change will bring it’s fair share of complainers
sometimes the complainers are right and sometimes they aren't
I have considered it.
Alcohol misuse and loneliness ‘increase risk of early-onset dementia’
at least I quit drinking
well, I'm on medication
High deprivation
what is that
Vitamin D deficiency
I take vitamins.
Social isolation
Does lemmy count?
These three factors represent a lowering of risk:
Moderate alcohol use
I quit drinking.
Formal education
I have that.
Higher handgrip strength
I guess I'll just take my chances with that one
I don't know why anyone would believe anyone would like that.
I don't know of an "easy" option for migration.
I see a lot of people saying they'll just switch instances but haven't seen anyone say they'll just jump ship, am I alone ?
I have switched instances a lot. I don't like the idea of other people curating my feed.
he created a second type of marriage for everyone else so their unions may be officially blessed by the church
The church doesn't have the power to create different types of marriages and neither does the pope. I do not believe the nature of the change made is being described or reported accurately. It is being oversimplified.
Francis has actually been a very progressive pope, making great strides to make the church a more welcoming place.
I agree. I think a lot of changes he has made are good. I think this change is good. I think reporting on it has been dumbed down to the point of being incorrect.
Lead-acid batteries also present a risk of explosion.
That's why you attach jumper cables to the dead battery first.
Have you ever attached jumper cables to a dead lead-acid battery?
Not that I know of.
There is dragonsfuckingcars.
These people behind the times?