
joined 1 year ago
[–] 63 points 3 months ago (1 children)

So I think the important thing here is how this waterfall is being explained to visitors. If it's open information that the waterfall only flows naturally in certain months and is artifical in others and people still want to see it when it's artificial that's fine. However it seems this is being sold as a natural waterfall when it's artifical part of year which is the problem.

Bases on thr park's comments, it seems the move to make it artifical part of the year stems from their lack of openness that it only flows naturally part of the year. In comparison, Yosemite National Park (US) has a whole web page explaining when the waterfalls flow and the peak months to see them. In my opinion, his park should be more open about the natural flow months so visitors can choose when to visit.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I think the problem is the girl not you. If you asked her politely, she said no, and then you backed down, there is no reason for her to bad mouth you to friends. I could understand maybe asking one trusted person for advice but spreading rumors through a friend group is a serious issue. Not just the girl but also the friends spreading the rumor. I think a lot of people are really bad at communicating and it leads to more issues. If she had simply talked to you about how she felt, I'm sure you both could have worked through it.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I lived in Florida for a long time and when there are major hurricanes you have lots of people heading north. I've seen them reverse some lanes on the opposite side but keep one for south bound movement. Normally the only people headed in the other direction are emergency workers and its not enough to need more than one lane.

[–] 12 points 4 months ago

I've been dealing with my 85 year old uncle who recent fell and broke his hip again. I've learned the following:

  1. Physical exercise is important! My uncle could barely walk before, which is probably why he fell. While he was in the hospital he physically could not sit up on his own (no upper body strength) and now cant lift himself into/out of his wheelchair. I've decided to start working out more and focus on strength.

  2. Listen to your doctors!! After he broke his hip the first time, he refused to do physical therapy and would not use his cane. It's obvious that both of these things would have helped prevent him from falling the second time.

  3. Be kind to the people around you! My uncle is narcissistic and insults friends/family when he gets comfortable with them. This meant that for most of his stay in the hospital, I was the only person who visited.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago (4 children)

I like to think uncanny valley exists because of other homo species we would have interacted with in pre-history. Obviously this is just a fun theory since we have evidence of mixing.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago

I always hear this kind of advice from people who are in relationships for all the wrong reasons.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

My family says your an adult the day you enjoy buying adult things. I just recently bought some good knives and glass food storage containers. I was super excited when they arrived. Video games and other fun things are exciting to buy myself but some good knives were next level.

[–] 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

From what I understand a lot of Hollywood contracts (for writers, actors, etc.) include residuals for tickets sold or views on streaming services. However, streaming services did not have to provide the actual numbers of streams so people couldn't determine how much money in residuals they were owed.

I believe there were also some questions about streamers fudging numbers to say shows were more/less watched than they actually were so it's a big step to knowing what's actually going on.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

I think the problem is that no one can agree on what makes the world shitty. Some people think the rich should be taxed, some people think other people shouldn't have equal rights. And then other people are purposely using the disagreement to get what they want. It's a mess with no clear fix in sight.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If by a "mixed way" you mean 1-2 days in office, that would never work for a lot of people for the reasons below.

  1. You have to commute those days.
  2. You have to find child care but it's not consistent so your possibly paying more per day for the few days vs. getting a good rate for weekly.
  3. You have to carry all your equipment with you. (I personally have to carry my laptop plus the equipment I support which takes like 2 trips from the car to my desk plus time to set everything up.)
  4. Not all of team comes in the same day/same location, so your still on virtual meetings anyway.

To be fair a lot of this is my personal experience and other companies may work differently but for me, I'm staying fully remote. Good companies/teams make it work. If your company/team can't work like there are other issues at fault.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

AI are already generating antibody treatments. Companies provide AI with the disease/issue and antibodies that kinda work, then have the AI generate antibodies to fix the disease/issue. The best antibodies are then made in a lab and tested in vitro. However, as somone else noted, antibodies/medications are patented, which is different than copyright. Patents can be done on the process of making the antibody so you patrent the final process of making the antibody, not the AI work to come up with which antibody to make. Source: I attended a Patent Law seminar on this a few months ago.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

I think he means that when most people genuinely smile, the muscles around their eyes also pull up. However it looks like Mr. Beast is just pulling his lips into a smile and not his full face. This makes it feel like the smile isn't genuine.

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