
joined 11 months ago
[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

First off congratulations on the pregnancy!

I say this with love, because I know you just want the great photos and are excited about it.

If I’m taking photos and delivering a service based on a contract, the client shouldn’t get to change the terms of the contract without it being mutually beneficial. If they want more photos than stated in the contract, they’d either pay or negotiate a new amount.

You wouldn’t go to the grocery story and say “can I have the rest of those bananas for free, I see you’re about to throw them out.” You could say, “hey I have this amount to give, money is tight, how much can I get for that?” Some grocery stores may just be like “here ya go, all this for free!” Some may be like “get out of here you damned banana loving human!” They’re all different. They may not want to devalue their brand. They may not want people to expect free shots.

All that being said, photographers charge premium prices, especially those that are in high demand. They can and usually do charge whatever the market allows. But they also generally disclose it all ahead of time so there’s no surprises for either side.

I hope the photos all works out. Again congrats on the baby!!

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

This is like the time when the band Red Jumpsuit Apparatus used a photographers photo, took out any credit for them and tried to get their fan base to freaking harass the photographer after the fact when the photographer complained.

People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (3 children)

I used to be depressed; I still am, but I used to be, too.

Anyway, I was tired of seeing everything negatively, and figured I’d try to take photos to force me capture things in a different light. I also assumed it would help me get out and about and get me interacting with people more.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Hopefully it works. I tried before but it was short links and was removed.

One is the fun colorful one, the other is good for adding additional light while not messing up your desired white balance.

My shots are all natural but I do use a colorful light to add color to my wall for my Skype meetings or when I’m recording a video. You can do most of what you can do with that multicolored light in post, but if you’re trying to shoot straight out of camera it comes in handy.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Depends on your needs. For me, if I’m outside doing street, I can use it. Portraits I use it.

But If I’m inside, it gets a bit tough when there’s only so much room behind me. I couldn’t use it for a birthdays party outside either because I had to stand on or over tables to get a shot.

So the answer I guess is maybe?

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Small sensor needs a lot of light. Inside will be muddy unless you’re near an external window or you’re using flash or additional light, so choosing where you shoot is smart.

The phone is also super light weight so you may have a bit of movement when taking the shot, which will cause the sharpness to take a hit. Learn to shoot with two hands and your elbows into your stomach to keep you steady. Alternatively get a tripod, a gorilla pod, a small bean bag (these are great since they fit anywhere and you will mold to whatever you’re placing it on).

Use long exposure settings when needed.

The Apple Photos editing software is fine, just don’t over saturate.

Use the grid. Read up on photography “rules.”

Pick up rechargeable led light from Amazon. Use it to illuminate your subject when in low light. One that does multiple colors is fun for some interesting creative shots.

Keep the lenses clean or oils and finger prints.

If you can find a Bluetooth shutter remote, grab it. It’ll help reduce phone movement and it comes in clutch with tripods or similar. They’re super cheap.