
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 4 points 1 day ago (3 children)

A tenth of a year is still 36 and 1/2 days of uninterrupted cs per anum.

[–] 7 points 2 days ago

Propaganda, used to foster the soft normalisation of Eugenics. Total bullshit.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

King Louis needs a haircut.

[–] 11 points 2 days ago

When do we nut up and turn FightClub into a documentary?

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Granted, but that doesn't answer the question at hand.

No, it is on voyager too. I built and installed it last night.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (12 children)

How do we avoid defederation through and What I mean is, there are instances for Canada, or FOSS, or any other inalienable trait. Most can communicate with eachother with exception of porn specific instances. When new people sign up, they look for popular instances and there are no restrictions on what you can join. So, larger instances like .world and .ml will have more foot traffic and more new signups. I think that's just an immediate path to recreate reddit and I think that needs to be recognised and seriously avoided, at all costs. The whole point is that this is not-for-profit, free of advertisements and already voyager as downloaded for android contains ads. Also, unless specifying only foss software during the building process of app on linux, ads are present there too. I would love to see some community driven livestreams or events, where we could fund the developers ourselves through donations. We're all refugess from reddit, but that doesn't mean we have to be "libre reddit." I think we could easily fund ourselves if we fostered more of a connected sense of community through events and conversations, turn this group of websites into something more than just friendly social media.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

I block everything Meta so I don't know what that is, but why would you link to centralised social media from the fediverse. We come here to avoid the tracking.

[–] 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

Carney is a former central banker, he will not do anything to upset the flow of money. Realistically, every single career politician in the world is complicit in this. Why can we build no more, houses? Why is everything so expensive? Why is the American party of "progressiveness" running Kamala Harris whose brother is CEO at Uber? It's an illusion, they are all compromised, they are all bought, that's just the nature of Capitalism. We have bring back the death penalty, but only for corporate person-hood. If you commit global terroristic acts like Meta, Muskrat and Amazon, we should be able to kill these things. We have to stop putting the 1%'s property rights over the lives of the 99%. It's our planet, why do we need elected individuals whose sole purpose is to make decisions detrimental to everyone but themselves. We need to make Fight Club a documentary.

[–] 38 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

A friendly reminder to everyone. Lemmy is absolutely not representative of the broader mass media dialogue happening around us. We have to be paying attention to how all people, close with us in our day to day lives interact with it instead. My boss is a retired mechanic who thought Trump was gonna run the US "like a business." I have been speaking very openly about my views on the American News Media bias in Canada. How new and legacy media are both monopolies controlled by the same small group of men. How the Heritage Foundation funded the Trump Campaign. How every far-right group appearing after Covid had the same names and message. America First, Canada First, Britain First, Ireland First, Francais Premier and all, coincidentally, funded by right-wing, American, Christian groups. Something clicked with him today, while he was on his phone and I watched as it all suddenly made sense to him.

Then I watched as he actually became worried. People know that it's Big Tech and we have to have these conversations, because that's how you get people to put their phones down and re-evaluate the idea of trusting 5 companies with all of their personal information and doing all computing in a web browser. That's how you wake them up to the fact that LLM's and embedded AI assistants are only their to spy on you and silence dissent.

Hey Co-pilot, have any of our user's expressed dissatisfaction with the regime? Here's a curated list.

We are so close to class consciousness do not let this echo-chamber be a safe space. Get Offline, get loud, get honest. Fuck Google


Just a reminder to my fellow Maples. The Americans own 90% of newspapers in Canada. Postmedia has been directly linked to far-right American Politics. We need to source our news from real, Canadian sources. I would love to hear some suggestions in the comments.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

"My child is better off as a corpse than I would have been, had I understood that my distrust of medical science stemmed from malicious actors." I want everybody to pay attention, this is programming. This is intentional, it is circulated by the Billionaire class, across media platforms. They control all of our news media and social media. They own all of the content we post online. Every automatic cloud backup you have to opt out of. Everything you've ever logged into a chromium searchbar. Through social engineering and hypernormalisation, they have collected all of our bank details, credit card numbers, license plate numbers. Everything you've ever sent as an attachment in an email. Their trackers permeate the entire clearnet, you cannot use a browser on the clearnet without being spied upon. Which is why privacy solutions all focus on obscuring your identity, because you will always be seen. The Head of Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin, recently discovered Google have been effectively violating GDPR, likely since its inception, by including a hidden cookie that immediately starts the process of collecting telemetry on the user. When approached about the legality of it, the spokesperson for Google said they "Could not Comment" on the legality of violating EU law.

In North America, if you head to Google Maps on your android, look at permissions, then touch the 3 dots in the corner and select "see all permissions." You will see what a dire situation we find ourselves in. Google Maps has been recording all of your location data, all the time. Regardless of if it's allowed as a permission by the User. Google Maps scans and reads your storage. As does Google Search, Gmail and anything else Alphabet and Apple include on their devices. Did we notice after Covid how every Card Reader became an android device, with dual front and rear facing cameras? How about how every security camera is now a wifi camera? Coincidentally, that runs android. As does the automated checkouts that proliferated after the pandemic, they record you as you use them and they take your picture. They record your grocery list, card number and then they follow you, in your car using your location data. Your phone, announces itself to every other smart device around it, to wifi routers and bluetooth devices. Even Turned off, apple products use Low Energy Bluetooth, powered by NVRAM to be able to locate you within a margin of error as low as 6 inches.

What is happening now, in the United States and around the world is merely theatre. Conducted by the surveillance arm and social engineering wing of the men who own the world. Apple is valued at over 3.6 Trillion Dollars. The entire GDP of Earth, is just over 13 Trillion Dollars. That is one company, add to that Google, Meta, X, Rupert Murdoch's empire. By the way, that does not include the Billions privately banked by Zuckerberg and the rest of them. You want to know, why the housing crisis exists? Why inflation exists? It benefits them, for it to exist. Facebook has been legitimately, causally (and I want to stress that) implicated in the Myanmar Genocide. Their choosing to have a single moderator that spoke one dialect of the local languages, operating out of Dublin, Ireland with more than 6 hours in the time difference. To review and curtail racist and genocidal content uploaded to their platform. Was a conscious decision, done for personal economic benefit. Banks make money, by ostensibly betting on geopolitics. Say, for example you know there's going to be serious social and economic unrest in Myanmar. Well you take options predicting that companies with a lot of holdings in that state will take a nosedive. You make exponentially larger gains than by buying and trading Swiss Francs for Euros.

Cryptocurrency, there's a laugh. Bitcoin was not made by a genius Japanese recluse called "Satoshi." What kind of anime do you think you're living in? Crypto is meant to normalise the idea of an entirely digital currency. So, that every single transaction, that we make is recorded. They want to move us to a cashless society where our biometrics are directly linked to our bank accounts. What a way to sell it, as if it's privacy. Cryptographic currency, nobody knows anything, except that every single transaction is recorded on the publicly available ledger. Hang on, your wallet address is just a string of numbers, it doesn't mean anything. Yes, a unique string of numbers, tied to you, the purchase of cryptocurrency and opening of said wallet, using your Credit/Debit Card. 2FA doesn't exist to protect you from hackers. It exists to link, every single account you have to a common device. Your phone, with it's unique IMEI which is known by the state, your carrier, Google/Apple/Meta and every single centralised media platform you have ever visited. What have we done?

They have amassed so much money, through affiliate links, mass surveillance and tax fraud. That they can never be prosecuted for these evils. The rapid acceleration in global warming is directly caused by Amazon and other Chinese suppliers. They pollute en masse, destroy our wildlife and record every waking moment of our lives in the name of "progress." They have dirt of every single person in the world, then they built LLM's to be able to effectively wield it against us. Even if you're a Ludite, who never used a smartphone, they know who your family are, they know who your children are and if they can't bribe, bend of break you? They can just have you killed. They'll be cleared, just like every accusation of sexual misconduct, every human rights violation, every scandal because when you can give someone 100,000,000 dollars, and not even notice. Why wouldn't you be completely insane? Why wouldn't you feel like a god? The fundamental binding link for all of 21st century human society is capital resources. Through broken ownership laws, we have allowed people to remove all obstacles to monopolisation and human enslavement.

In 2023 The US Justice Department ruled Google was a monopoly and ordered them to divest. In September of the following year, they found Alphabet, Google's parent company, in contempt and ordered them to divest Chrome, or Android. Now they get to keep it. In 2016 Google's company, X (subtle) then X Development LLC. Held a talk on the theoretical power of social engineering. Although, quite unnerving, they specified that it was just theoretical. You know what else happened in 2016? The Brexit Referendum, where this party UKIP, appeared, out of nowhere into mainstream conciousness. With provably false claims about the EU's relationship, with then member state, The United Kingdom, printed on the side of Busses. This is nothing new, I invite anyone to read the back catalogue of articles written by Boris Johnson whilst he worked for the Daily Telegraph, if you really want to dive into right wing political lies from that era. All of, it circulated, on Facebook.

At the same time, we see mass migration happening from the East, to the West. Brought in through visa programs lobied for by corporations, McDonald's, Tim Hortons, Starbucks, Google, Meta. What starts proliferating on social media? Less than two weeks after the presidential debate where Donald Trump states, "They're eating the cats and dogs." A video of supposedly, police bodycam footage appears on r/Crazyfuckingvideos, that shows officers in a different part of Ohio, not Springfield, approaching a large, nude, catatonic black woman, covered in blood and fur. The title says she has just eaten the neighbour's cat. Immediately in the comments we see two things, "OMG, Trump was right." Then the defense "She's not a Haitian Migrant, she's an American Citizen" and "This didn't even happen in Springfield guys." The result is two fold, you either believe what Trump has said, or you believe the opposite and that this will be used to justify what he said. In reality, it's fake. It is designed to entrench you in your previously held beliefs, because the goal is to divide the working class.

The same thing happened with "Axle Rudikabana" the supposed 17-year-old UK citizen of African descent who, we are told stabbed 3 girls to death at a "Taylor Swift Themed Event" in the UK in 2024. One of which, in the neck 124 individual times, almost decapitating her. There is no footage, of Axle Rudikabana, or any further detail of what this event was, or any image of this boy, or the girl's family. The UK is the most highly surveilled country in western Europe, there is no footage of the attack, of this boy traveling to the event, of anyone walking into it from the street outside. Nothing. There is later a video of a police car driving down a non-descript road, we are told is the police transferring him to court. How do you possibly determine, 124 individual stab wounds to the neck? Where the girl is almost decapitated. 124? He would have had to have been on top of this girl for multiple minutes. This "Taylor Swift Themed Event" Had no security? Had no working cameras and had nobody who could have caught an image, or moved to stop this teenager with a knife. Then come the comments, "He's a UK Citizen, he's not a migrant."

The Dublin Riots of 2023 where far right groups "protest" as a little girl is stabbed by a mentally ill Eastern European man and also Irish national. The little girl in question being the child of a Polish Woman and Brazillian man and also an Irish Citizen. Bravely saved by a Brazillian delivery driver. To date, there has been no footage of the attack, no footage of the little girl, no video recorded interview of the parents, or the perpetrator of the attack. Then the comments in r/Ireland. "He was an Irish Citizen, not an asylum Seeker." "The little girl's parents are foreigners, this has nothing to do with immigration." Do we understand, what this is? This is programming. I could go on, but I'm at the text limit.


Due to the giant GOPstrich in the room. I have switched to linux and been actively trying to learn as much computer science as possible. I set up a TOR relay using Librewolf as the browser, using socks5 to send data from the browser, through the network. As an experiment, I asked Microsoft's AI where I was and it immediately returned my city. I tried again using a VPN, with a different browser and it still got it right. So, I wanted to ask, how can we limit the telemetry collected by these programs? How can we better limit their ability to spy on us?

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