
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I am more than happy with Jetbrains and Visual Stuido to do most of my work. While VS has some annoying irks, I just like things more visual such as handling merges through seeing the code as I used to instead of a text like visualization.

I do occasionally need an empty commit, visit the reflog because I fucked up or just do some check on existing commits on a branch. But no, daily I just do pull, merge, commit and push through my IDE.

Norway has something similar, you own the inside usually and the HOA own the outside, including the houses themselves. Live in one, largely a good thing but some things come slow since they need to be voted for of course. Generally worth it, since you get good deals on things like internet. It's cheaper but it's also something you usually have to use and the only option. Eg only that provider of internet.

I'm my case, they are also responsible for my balanced ventilation, my exterior doors and my water heater. So when the time comes, they handle it. Shared costs cover snow plowing, the shared community building, upkeep of garage, outdoors and the buildings, and things like water bills and taxes paid. In particular, HOAs purchases do not need to pay a 2.5% of the purchase price fee when you purchase a home. This itself saves you quite a bit, and makes up for some of the extra you pay in monthly costs. (but pretty much all of those are at least going somewhere that benefit you anyways)

The downsides are, there are special rules so some people that have membership may have a right to take over the winning bid in a sale. I myself used this to purchase my place, having gotten 10 years of seniority in "HOA company". You spend the seniority with your purchase, but also are not allowed to own more than one part. Also, no long term renting so there aren't any companies buying and renting out and things like that. You have to live in the HOA.

[–] -1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

But nothing is forcing you to check exeptions in most languages, right?

While not checking for exceptions and .unwrap() are pretty much the same, the first one is something you get by not doing anything extra while the latter is entirely a choice that has to be made. I think that is what makes the difference, and in similar ways why for example nullable enabled project in C# is desired over one that is not. You HAVE to check for null, or you can CHOOSE to assume it is not by trying to use the value directly. To me it makes a difference that we can accidentally forget about a possible exception or if we can choose to ignore it. Because problems dealt with early at compile time, are generally better than those that happen at runtime.

[–] 0 points 4 days ago (5 children)

It can be pretty convenient to throw an error and be done with it. I think for some languages like Python, that is pretty much a prefered way to deal with things.

But the entire point of Rust and Result is as you say, to handle the places were things go wrong. To force you to make a choice of what should happen in the error path. It both forces you to see problems you may not be aware of, and handle issues in ways that may not stop the entire execution of your function. And after handling the Result in those cases, you know that beyond that point you are always in a good state. Like most things in Rust, that may involve making decisions about using Result and Option in your structs/functions, and designing your program in ways that force correct use... but that a now problem instead of a later problem when it comes up during runtime.

[–] 15 points 6 days ago (1 children)

If I had a cent every time an artist on patron had their computer die on them and lost works in progress or all their old stuff... I'd afford a few coffees.

I think Destiny is a good argument. If D1 ends, then playing starting D2 won't be the full experience. And new players can start many years into a game. D1 is also stuck on a console, while D2 is so big they removed content from it. You literally can't play the base campaign in D2, a huge part of the story is no longer there. A great game that "you had to be there" to play.

It's the extreme case but leaving games to die instead of having at least the chance for private servers is sad and a loss for everyone long term that don't get a chance to play it.

I still find it amazing people believe the same constant child like lying.

Everyone says... A close friend of mine said... A professor said... Everyone knows...

...That I have the bestest (health/speech/IQ/humbleness/big hands)

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I sorta remember this happened, or something like it, try actually clearing your cookies and logging in again. That might make it stick.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Not for the rapid update that broke everything.

See post incident report:

How Do We Prevent This From Happening Again?

Software Resiliency and Testing

  • Improve Rapid Response Content testing by using testing types such as:

  • Local developer testing

  • Content update and rollback testing

  • Stress testing, fuzzing and fault injection

  • Stability testing

  • Content interface testing

  • Add additional validation checks to the Content Validator for Rapid Response Content.

  • A new check is in process to guard against this type of problematic content from being deployed in the future.

  • Enhance existing error handling in the Content Interpreter.


Rapid Response Content Deployment

  • Implement a staggered deployment strategy for Rapid Response Content in which updates are gradually deployed to larger portions of the sensor base, starting with a canary deployment.

  • Improve monitoring for both sensor and system performance, collecting feedback during Rapid Response Content deployment to guide a phased rollout.

  • Provide customers with greater control over the delivery of Rapid Response Content updates by allowing granular selection of when and where these updates are deployed.

  • Provide content update details via release notes, which customers can subscribe to.


[–] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Halo 4 had great graphics to run on a damn Xbox 360. But yeah, they lost in the design department, imo I felt too much felt like plastic/artificial instead.

It's a link to an image on github not sure why it doesn't work for you. Try just looking at the repo then:


I'm super new to Rust, like a day old really.

But I tried a program made in Rust on Windows, and it refuses to work.

Never prints anything. Just straight up instantly dead. Long story short, this thing relies on some linked stuff like ffmpeg in some form. So, I did my best trying to gather all the things it needs per github issues, reddit and other souces. And the end result was that it now spent 0.1 s longer before crashing, actually leaving time for some error in the Windows Event log. Nothing useful there either as far as I can see.

So I clone the repo and get the required things to compile Rust, and I managed to build it from source at least. The executable doesn't run, but the Run in VS Code works, somehow. It prints the error messages corresponding to missing input. So i try to debug it, but nothing happens. No breakpoint is hit, and nothing is printed in the terminal, unlike when using Run or cargo Run. I can also just strip out everything it does in the file the main function is in, and it will hit breakpoints. But that didn't help me find out what is missing/broken though.

So what the difference, is there a way to catch and prevent Rust from just going silent, and actually tell you what dependencies it failed to load?

My entire reason for getting it running locally is to fix that. Because no one sane wants to deal with a program that doesn't tell you why it will not run... And when debugging also does nothing... I'm out of ideas.

The program is called Av1an for reference, and it's a video encoding tool. I used a python version before they migrated to Rust, and wanted to give it a try again.

Edit: Wrote linked library, but i think the proper term is dynamic libraries. I'm really not good with compiled programs.

Update: Figured it out. Had to copy the out files from the ffmpeg compiled stuff back to the executable. Apparently Cargo Run includes that location when looing for the files, while running from the command line clearly doesn't.

But the biggest whiplash, was that I got a full windows dialog popup when i tried to in the exectuable in CMD instead of Powershell. Told me the exact file I was missing too. I know PowerShell is a bitch when piping stuff, but I'm amazed no other program or error message could hand me that vital information. Fuck me, I wish I had tried that from the start....

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