
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

First they said they will take it down (as if that was enough.) Then agreed to pay $250.


I see that Getty sells high resolution royalty-free stock images for $500. I assume that's a license in perpetuity to use the image however and wherever you want but just not be able to resell it yourself. I also assume that means they can keep selling the same license to others for the same photo.

I took some photos that I provided to a major publisher along with an article I wrote that then syndicates my article in the relevant local travel magazine website. They told me they were going to use my article (and paid me for it) and not use the photos I took. I've discovered the company has published one of my photos in four articles (not written by me) in two major City local travel websites, crediting me on the photo but I received no compensation nor was asked permission to uses it.
Normally they get non-exclusive rights to any of my photos they use with my article for an additional $50/photo charge.

I'm trying to figure out a ballpark reasonable fee they should pay per photo. Seems to me at minimum they should pay $50 X 4 articles. = $200? And a lot more if they want exclusive rights to use the image.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

That's good to know as I've never run into that level of failure without the provider migrating the instance without me requesting. But I'd say 1-4 times a year I might have an urgent technical issue like a network slowdown issue or a sudden runaway disk space usage issue that I'm having trouble pinpointing the cause and with company's I've used like Vultr and Ramnode, they responded at all times of day to my ticket within 15 minutes and helped me pinpoint the issue and if it was their responsibility quickly take action. I'd like to get a little bit more bang for the buck on specs though than Vultr or Ramnode without sacrificing support level.

Granted I never use phone support but any hosting provider that doesn't offer 24/7 phone support gives me pause and Hetzner doesn't offer 24/7 phone support so obviously their staff is reduced outside European Business hours.


My understanding is the support staff for these companies are in Europe and may not offer the same response times 24/7 as they may reduced staff outside European Business Hours.

Can any customer of Contabo or Hetzner residing in the United States comment on what the ticket response times are on average during business hours in the United States and if you know whether or not there is a difference between daytime and late night when it's business hours in Europe?

Also wondering if in general one has better support in general over the other, as in, will go the extra mile to check into something for you.


I'm essentially looking for a VPS provider closest to the reliability/price/performance of Hetzner but with US-based 24/7 excellent customer service.

I threw out some detailed questions to Hetzner and found although they have US Data Centers, they do not maintain the same size support staff 24/7. So due to some of the staff being on Europe business-hours the support response time may vary depending on time of day. I need it to be the same at 3am as it is at 3pm.

By good customer service I mean the hosting company has what I call "throw you a bone" support 24/7 where for example you are having trouble identifying the cause of technical low-level server/OS or network based issue and one of their techs will quickly (within 20 min) check it out for you to help determine the cause, at 1am in the morning. Then you can proceed with your own sys admin work utilizing their additional input or if it's a hardware or network issue, they can take immediate action themselves.