Once Trump learns about this he's going to be PISSED because we ALL KNOW Immigrants are BAD unless they go through the ENTIRE Process!
This is just the WOKE MIND VIRUS Waging a WAR on RELIGION! WHO CARES if a Priest touches a couple hundred kids in their penises and vaginas when DRAG QUEENS EXIST!
This is how you KNOW Governor Wheels LOVES the Troops! I forget his real name.
It's because of Biden and Harrises VIOLENT RHETORIC! If they weren't so VIOLENT it would have NEVER HAPPENED! Now GET READY FOR A BLOODBATH MY FELLOW REPUBLICANS! DEMOCRATS want your GUNS!
Having OTHER Billionaires in your Cabinet is EXACTLY how you Drain The Swamp and DEFEAT the Deep State!
You can tell Jack Smith is a WEAK Man because he doesn't Rant and Rave and Complain and ask for Donations when Judges rule against him like TRUMP does!
THIS is why we need Government OUT OF OUR LIVES (except in the Bedroom and Doctors Office)! If these Regulations go away then OBVIOUSLY Prices will DROP!
Good! I know I say we Need Guns to Protect Ourselves against Intruders but you should NEVER shoot at unmarked unidentified Plain Clothes Cops who break in in the middle of the night UNLESS you want to Die!
Telling your Clients to Break the Law is LAW AND ORDER!
To not allow TEACHERS to SPANK KIDS! I'm a Republican trying to Protect The Children!
This is just the DEEP STATE going after REAL VOICES! But when Police Officers KILL BLACK KIDS they OBVIOUSLY deserved it!
-Conservatives who ONLY defend Child Rapists and Murderers for some reason!