I got an xz2 compact and was so excited about it. Then I realized that even thought it supported wifi calling, you could not used the feature on Verizon network. I tried so many different ways to get it to work, but bottom line was Verizon wouldn't allow the required FW. Since I lived somewhere with no cell service, I had to replace it. It's so sad that a phone can have features that can be blocked on some networks...
I did it one year with jalapeños and will likely never do it again. The yield on them was actually less than the freshly planted. I think the winter just over-stressed the plant and it never fully recovered. Zone 8a.
This is so edgy
As far fetched as it is, It seems like the conversations about colonizing other worlds is reinforcing and driving these ideas forward.
Ubuntu...it always come back to ubuntu
100% disagree that "most people" need more than a brick.
It took way to long to see that only these two countries beat their target.
Windows is never responsible for this. It is errors in the EC code or BIOS wake timers. When you click shutdown, the system is powered off. Windows hands off execution to Bios code for shutdown after the cycling dots saying "shutdown".
Those reports might effect investments from the smaller players, but the big names(Google, Microsoft, Meta, etc.) are locked in a race to the finish line. So their investments will continue until one of them reaches the goal...[insert sunk cost fallacy here]...and I think we're at least 1-2 years from there.
Edit: posted too soon
They don't build the chips at all. They pay tsmc.
Do a BIOS recovery using the jumper. You'll have to go to download the recovery BIOS from Intel.
Page 52 and 53: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/boardsandkits/D54250WYB_D34010WYB_TechProdSpec.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiRrLT_5tWJAxVsOTQIHS89FXsQFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0Cwh5M34aQHTbNFOuo5gGA
Edit: didn't read the full post. You can turn off the other LED in the bios.Youll need a display to know what's going on and to debug. If no storage is present, it usually boots to PXE boot or a screen that says no boot device found.