
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The bothsiderist media didn't even bothsides things when both candidates were older. Now that only the Republican one is older, I have zero expectation of them asking why donnie is so old.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

I'll be honest; I bounce between several browsers - Firefox, Chromium, Chrome, and even sometimes Edge, and sometimes it takes a second for me to even remember which one I'm looking at. Firefox is great for very specific work flows I have, but for a lot of other things, most other browsers will do.

Maybe it's because I tend to bounce around that I find it very interesting to hear that FF is difficult to use.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Came here to say this. I wish other browsers would catch up to Firefox and add this feature for when I have to use them (esp. Chrome/Edge).

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Not that benchmarks matter a whole lot these days, but I think for some benchmarks it was faster than Chrome. It's close enough to not even be a factor, in any case.

Also, it has a feature that Chrome seemingly has no analogue for, and that is: containers.

I never entirely stopped using Firefox. I still use Chrome alongside Firefox for certain things at work.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

One of the funniest Rifftrax is when they took this on...

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

I remember the olds whining and whining about how the homosexuals ruined the word "gay" for them.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago

So much "freedom" down there in Gilead. Policing colors and not letting people choose to eat lab-grown meat. Wouldn't want anyone getting any ideas about any notions of ACTUAL freedom.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

This is the guy that yelled at kids for wearing masks. During a pandemic.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

What's especially stupid is that dietary choice is not entirely a left-right thing, but the likes of DeSatan sure do try...

Remember the Nazis making a big deal of guzzling milk, because "superior race", lol. Also, they did make a big deal of "soy boy" (as if being veg*n and/or drinking soy means you are not "manly", lol).

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Freedom! Small gub'mint!

....well, not like that! <- Republicans

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

This is why I always LOL when some far right (or some kind of "moderate" NPC) person starts up with the "liberal media" in reference to the likes of NYT.

Seriously, people need to POINT and LAUGH at such things being taken for granted. Exactly how is NYT in any meaningful way "liberal"?

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Well, the fine print on the FREEZED PEACH types is: "offer only good for cons."


I wonder about them for two key reasons:

  1. Why won't they provide an end to end encryption?
  2. Why won't they give an option to keep that little bubble green?

Seems awfully sus and anti-worker, if you ask me. Most other clients tend to have these as options and have even before Slack crept into the picture.


I asked a related question here - the one about Boing Boing,, Dangerous Minds:

I'd say somewhere around the late 00's, things like iPhone, FB, Twitter, etc...started to make the web a lot more....homogenized.

It was fine for the old hands - we've seen this kind of thing before and more corporate rule was all too expected. We've been through a few migrations and paradigm shifts already. But we could still use our skills, go to the sites we wanted, curate RSS feeds, find the weird bits of the 'net that were still worthwhile tuning into and keeping the polished stuff at arms length.

But then things like StumbleUpon went away and for more and more people totally new to technology (but born into it) they think social media == "the internet" (Which is a depressing notion, having your entire idea of "technology" being something like BigCompany's tablet/phone connected to BigCompany's data gathering site to mediate your entire online experience.) Blogging became "uncool". And of course, very few people, most especially younger people, seem to know about things like RSS.

I used to use StumbleUpon and then it dried up; has anyone used Mix? Or is there something better to use for discovering the weird and the wonderful?

How do you find the weird corners of the net these days? Where have all "The Others" gone to?

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