
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Hyderabad, India with man spitting and shitting on the streets in between the piles of dirt. Egypt, with long stretched fields full of garbage around El Gouna and Marsa Alam. In Java and Bali Indonesia the hygiene habits are less than desirable as well, like storing the fresh fish for the restaurant in the mandi-bassin in the toilet, a smashed cockroach plastered in the wall in a restaurant with ants marching around it, or children playing in the river with a man shitting in the river just a few meters upstream.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Your biggest hurdle is your mindset. Work with a coach to change that, and your (work)life will improve. You are telling yourself all these stories about why everything is so important and needs to happen right now. If you continue to do that, you’ll reach a point where your body will just shut off. It’s already giving you very clear warning signs, listen to those!

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

If your team has only been on for 4 months and are having negative attitudes already, then something isn’t going right. Have you asked them why they are so negative? Could it be that you’re trying too hard to be cool, at the expensive of being a good leader?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Yet, Europe is doing pretty well despite having regulation that allows employees to have their privacy in the workplace and doesn’t allow employers to monitor employees like that.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Overworking is absolutely bad for your health, when sustained for longer periods of time. A week every now and then won’t hurt, but months in a row is really bad for your health.

And it’s also bad for your business. Your productivity actually goes down when you work so much, to the point that it can become even less than what you would accomplish in a normal 40-hr workweek. When we overwork ourselves, our cognitive abilities reduce. We lose focus, make mistakes, lose our problem solving skills, overlook the obvious, etc.

So both for your personal health as well as for the health of your business: stop doing this!

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

You don’t have a laziness problem but a motivation problem, so you’ll have to uncover why you’re not motivated and address that. Work with a coach to figure that out, as it’s usually very hard to uncover these things by yourself.