
joined 1 year ago
[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 1 points 6 days ago

This, tbh. Propaganda is a hell of a drug. And the worst part is, it's not a drug most people willingly take. They're blindsided, their phycology is abused to suck them in, and before long, without even realizing it, they're in a completely different reality, scared and paranoid. It's terrifying and sad.

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm a huge coffee drinker. Used to have a machine. It broke. Bend using an aeropress and French press for awhile and find that I really don't miss the machine.

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 1 points 1 week ago

Honestly, it seems to me he realizes he fucked it up, and the fact he blames 4chan suggests some level of self-awareness. I really hope he logged off that wretched site and apologized to the woman.

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

My comment wasn't "Linux works perfectly in every single regard." It was "Linux isn't hard to use for the things that do work on it." I'm well aware Linux isn't right for every use-case, nor did I say it was, I said it wasn't hard to use. Compatibility is a separate issue here.

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

My guy, there are entire countries controlled by Islamic Extremists where you're lucky if all they do is kill you when they find out you're LGBT, and it's entirely for "theological reasons."

I put this in quotes, because I'm not nor have I ever been a Muslim. But Islamic Extremists will kill gay people for supposed "theological reasons."

It's most definitely not just America doing it because "mah holy book says it's wrong."

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 2 points 2 weeks ago

It depends! You'll get a lot of recommendations. And they're probably good recommendations. But there are most certainly Distros out there that are very simple. I would suggest you don't be afraid to Distro Hop until you find one that you really feel at home on.

If you're looking for something that's simple, out of the box, and out of your way, I'd avoid anything Arch based. Ubuntu or Debian based Distros will have the most documentation and therefore minimize the amount of time you spend looking for answers, however, Fedora based Distros, in my experience, are rock solid and sit comfortably between stable and the bleeding edge.

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 9 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I don't get all this "gaming on Linux is hard" non-sense. All I have to do is set a specific flag on Steam and click play. That's it. One step, and 99% of my library just works, sometimes better than on Windows.

If it isn't on Steam, I search for it on Lutris and Lutris installs it for me, and I click play. And more often than not, it just works.

Hell, the mother fuckers that make Final Fantasy XIV's quick launcher made that shit a flatpak! And it's so fucking seemless, not a soul would know that game isn't a native Linux game!

Where's the difficulty?

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 13 points 1 month ago

Linux culture is about freedom of choice and movement. Any project can be forked, tweaked, expanded, or outright overhauled by anybody with the know-how in order to meet specific use cases. And those use cases are often the same as other's use cases. But in most cases, they are still rooted in the project they forked from. I.E, any guide that applies to Ubuntu is likely going to apply to Pop!_OS or Mint, since they're based on Ubuntu. So there's rarely a downside to niche distros, because you can have something that's close enough to a popular distro but that caters to your unique needs and wants.

For me, for example, I use Nobara. It's rather niche and in most cases, it either works beautifully for you, or it doesn't work at all, honestly. But it's based on Fedora, so any guide for Fedora is likely to apply to Nobara. I get all the benefits of being on Fedora with tweaks and patches that make my gaming experience much more stable. And quite frankly, Nobara has made my rig run the best it ever has.

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 4 points 1 month ago

I heavily agree with this. If there's one thing I've learned about video games and gamers, it's that people who are happy with their games, are playing their games! The people who aren't happy, are going to Reddit and the forums to bitch and moan. The anti-"woke" crowd is fueled by outrage. And that's all it is: senseless outrage. There's no substance to it. Let them scream into the void until they tire themselves out.

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 56 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Just another in an on-going series of "rich bastards figuring out that there's no more money to take."

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 1 points 2 months ago

You write like you just came here to be angry at people who've made a personal decision to leave Windows like it affects you, and that's gonna help neither you nor us.

At no point in my comment did I say you "write a single command." I'm saying basic, every day things that I do are point and click. I want a new program? I open my distro's app store, which is a GUI, and click download on the app I want. I want to play a game I have? I click play on Steam or Lutris. You know. With a mouse. No typing involved, my guy.

It also sounds to me like you've run into some real fucking assholes when you needed help. And unfortunately, they're out there. But that isn't all of us. I hope one day your negative first impression of our community changes, but it never will if you keep engaging in bad faith like this. So please stop.

[–] DaedalousIlios@pawb.social 1 points 2 months ago

I don't mean superficially. Linux Mint was very similar in feel to the Windows 7 days. Just thinking about it makes me nostalgic.

I mean in the way that sometimes you gotta run something in WINE, or trying to mod a game only to run into how different the file structure is. Back end things that make you go "Oh, this really isn't Windows."

And it's not. But that's okay. It doesn't need to be. It shouldn't be. We moved to Linux before it's not Windows. It's a little frustrating at first, but taking the time to learn how it works was worth it. I've never looked back.

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