
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 10 months ago

Haiku, the Robot is a very fun metroidvania that you can blast through in under 10 hours if you want something in that genre, but also something short and sweet that wont consume two weeks of your life.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago (1 children)

So, the car I was talking about in my story (where the hood is above my roof) is a Jeep Wagoneer and it's just insane!

With how big cars have gotten, I just don't feel safe on the road half the time. Tanks like that block line of sight both from me to lanes of traffic if I'm trying to turn and from traffic to me, so I have to be extra careful at nearly every intersection in my car. Nobody needs a car that big and it's a constant source of annoyance for me.

[–] 21 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (4 children)

I am not surprised in the slightest. New vehicles, especially in the US, are way too fucking big. I drive a Miata, which is small, but not diminutive, and there are SUVs on the market who's hood is above THE TOP OF MY FUCKING ROOF, above the roof of my fully functioning car that takes care of 90% of my driving needs. Absolutely nobody needs a car that big, it's dangerous and wasteful. I hate the trends of modern cars. I also have a 2001 CR-V for when I need to haul shit and I firmly believe that 99% of people don't need anything any larger than that.

Big cars are dangerous for pedestrian, dangerous for cyclists, dangerous to other drivers, are wasteful, and are just a dumb status symbol. It's infuriating!

[–] 5 points 11 months ago

The issue here is that Counter Strike Global Offensive did have official Mac support. Then when CS2 came out, Valve replaced the CSGO client with CS2, rather than making it a new client, and then announced they're cutting Mac support. There is still a weird way to launch GO, but good luck finding players to play against now. It was pretty shitty of them to not leave GO as its own client or to not continue supporting Mac. This isn't quite a case of a new game not having Mac support, what happened from Mac users' point of view is their counter strike game updated and now they can't play it anymore.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

As someone who loves RPGs and Star Wars, it took me about 10 attempts to actually get more than an hour into the game before turning it off. It's just that dated. I did eventually power through the first few hours and then the non-aged moments (story and writing) became good enough for me to stick around. I can definitely see how most people wouldn't want to play it for the first time at this point though.

[–] 37 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I know there are some out there who legitimately believe in the witchcraft they're performing, spells they cast, crystals, etc., but for me, I do practice wicca, but it's less about thinking that I'm having a physical effect on the world and more of a way to almost meditate and for sure a way to connect to my spiritual side.

Even though I know that me performing a ritual to bring a friend some good luck or something won't actually do anything in the real world, it puts me in a space where I can reflect on my friend and what they mean to me, for example.

It certainly can be a bit silly, but many of us practice because we like the state of being and state of mind it can put us into, vs truly believing we're performing magic.

[–] 25 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Surprisingly, Baldur's Gate 3. I absolutely love D&D, but I tried playing through the Pathfinder video games, Pillars of Eternity, Divinity: Original Sin 2, and nothing stuck with me. I just wasn't a fan of the CRPG genre, despite me playing in-person tabletop RPGs multiple times a week.

I bought BG3 thinking I probably wouldn't get hooked, but I didn't want to miss out when literally every one of my friends is playing it. Well, I am absolutely hooked and have 40 hours in the game and will likely do multiple playthroughs, and I kind of "get" the genre now. I know PoE, PF, or DOS2 may not be as good, but I feel a lot more confident at the prospect of playing them now.

So in this case, FOMO helped me a great deal.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

But you don't understand, she's an attractive woman and therefore must be an attention seeker and nothing more.


[–] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

I've sort of just accepted it. I work in a niche position in a software company that's in a niche sector and while people do depend on me for their livelyhoods, I wouldn't say the products I produce are, in the grand scheme of things, meaningful. What I do only exists as a job in the 20th and 21st centuries and humans got on just fine before that.

I instead find meaning in my hobbies and out of work activities. My job, while pretty meaningless in my mind, does pay me enough to allow me to have a good life outside of work. I don't need my job to be meaningful, I just need it to not suck.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I know it's probably been done in other games, but the drill charge solves so many issues. In past games, you can maybe get a camper with a grenade, but now it's almost guaranteed (especially if you also run in to finish them off if it doesn't get them). It was a brilliant addition to MW2 and I hope it stays in basically all CoD games.